
Insights into Performance

Read Timing & Statistics Reports

At the end of an output file, a report of DBCSR's statistics and timings can be found.


The STATISTICS section of the output file provides some information on matrix-matrix multiplications that were run and their performance characteristics.


-                                                                             -
-                                DBCSR STATISTICS                             -
-                                                                             -
COUNTER                                    TOTAL       BLAS       SMM       ACC
flops    23 x    23 x    23         687272462200       0.0%      0.0%    100.0%
flops inhomo. stacks                           0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
flops total                       687.272462E+09       0.0%      0.0%    100.0%
flops max/rank                    687.272462E+09       0.0%      0.0%    100.0%
matmuls inhomo. stacks                         0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
matmuls total                           28243300       0.0%      0.0%    100.0%
number of processed stacks                  1600       0.0%      0.0%    100.0%
average stack size                                     0.0       0.0   17652.1
marketing flops                     1.076458E+12
# multiplications                             50
max memory usage/rank              16.650822E+09
# max total images/rank                        1
# max 3D layers                                1
# MPI messages exchanged                       0
MPI messages size (bytes):
 total size                         0.000000E+00
 min size                           0.000000E+00
 max size                           0.000000E+00
 average size                       0.000000E+00
MPI breakdown and total messages size (bytes):
            size <=      128                   0                        0
      128 < size <=     8192                   0                        0
     8192 < size <=    32768                   0                        0
    32768 < size <=   131072                   0                        0
   131072 < size <=  4194304                   0                        0
  4194304 < size <= 16777216                   0                        0
 16777216 < size                               0                        0

How to Read the Columns

  • TOTAL: total flops
  • BLAS: percentage of flops run on BLAS (this could be CUBLAS or HIPBLAS)
  • SMM: percentage of flops run on SMM (libsmm or libxsmm, CPU)
  • ACC: percentage of flops run on ACC (libsmm_acc, DBCSR's GPU-accelerated backend)

How to Read the Rows (Counters)

Every time "matrix-matrix multiplication" is mentionned in this paragraph, it refers not to the sparse multiplication of large matrices, but the multiplication of small dense blocks that the large sparse matrix was decomposed into.

  • flops 23 x 23 x 23: indicates that batched matrix-matrix multiplication kernels with matrix dimensions (m, n, k) = (23, 23, 23) was run, and provides info on its flops. If several batched matrix-matrix multiplications of different matrix dimensions (m, n, k) were run, they would appear as subsequent separate rows.
  • flops inhomo. stacks: flops of so-called "inhomogeneous stacks". These are stacks of batched-matrix-matrix multiplications where not all multiplications contained have the same matrix dimensions (m, n, k).
  • flops total: total flops for all stacks of matrix-matrix multiplication.
  • flops max/rank: flops of the MPI rank with the most flops.
  • matmuls inhomo. stacks: number of matrix-matrix multiplications run in inhomogeneous stacks.
  • matmuls total: number of matrix-matrix multiplications run in total.
  • number of processed stacks: number of stacks of batched matrix-matrix multiplication.
  • average stack size: average over all stacks of the stack size (i.e. the number of matrix-matrix multiplications that a stack contains).


Example of the statistics section of the output file:

-                                                                             -
-                                T I M I N G                                  -
-                                                                             -
SUBROUTINE                       CALLS  ASD         SELF TIME        TOTAL TIME MAXRANK
                               MAXIMUM       AVERAGE  MAXIMUM  AVERAGE  MAXIMUM
dbcsr_performance_driver             1  1.0    0.000    0.000  102.563  102.563       0
dbcsr_perf_multiply_low              1  2.0    0.002    0.002  102.563  102.563       0
perf_multiply                        1  3.0    0.003    0.003  102.077  102.077       0

The columns describe:

  • SUBROUTINE: the name of the fortran subroutine (or c++ function) timed.
  • CALLS: number of times the subroutine was called.
  • ASD: average stack depth: the average number of entries on the call stack when this subroutine is called.
  • SELF TIME: how much time is spent in the subroutine, or in non-timed subroutines called by this subroutine.
    • AVERAGE: the self time averaged over all MPI ranks,
    • MAXIMUM: the self time maximum over all MPI ranks,
    • AVERAGE and MAXIMUM can be used to locate load-imbalance or synchronization points.
  • TOTAL TIME: how much time is spent in the subroutine, including the time spent in timed subroutines.
    • AVERAGE: averaged over all MPI ranks
    • MAXIMUM: maximum over all MPI ranks
    • AVERAGE and MAXIMUM can be used to locate load-imbalance or synchronization points.

Time spent in Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation

For performance debugging and in order to check how much time a program spends doing JIT, look for the functions jit_kernel_multiply and jit_kernel_transpose.

How to Time a Function

By default, the most important subroutines are timed in DBCSR.

If you want to time a subroutine or function that is not timed already, call timeset with a routine name and a handle at the beginning of the function, and timestop with the same handle at the end of the function.

For examples, just grep for timeset and timestop in the codebase.

This can be done both in fortran code and in the c++ code.