CMake Build Recipes

DBCSR CMake Build Recipes

Following are recipes for different combinations of compilers, platforms and libraries. Unless otherwise noted, the examples assume that after fetching/unpacking DBCSR you created a directory build/ inside the DBCSR directory and switched into it using cd build/.

The listed examples can usually be combined with other build options like libxsmm or CUDA even if the examples are not explicitly given.

The instructions used for building in the Continuous Integration can be found in the .ci/ folder or in the .github/workflows/.


GNU compiler, system MPI and system-provided OpenBLAS

Most Linux systems provide the GNU compiler, a system MPI (OpenMPI or MPICH) using the GNU compiler as a backend and OpenBLAS for BLAS/LAPACK:

    cmake ..

GNU compiler, system MPI and Intel MKL

To use the Intel MKL together with the GNU compiler and possibly a system-MPI, assuming that MKL is installed in /sw/intel/mkl.

Verified with MKL provided as part of the Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019.5 installed in /sw/intel with an OS-provided GCC 7.4.1 on Linux openSUSE Leap 15.1, using CMake 3.12.0.

  1. Make sure the MKL environment is properly loaded:
       source /sw/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64
  1. Make sure CMake picks the Intel MKL over any system-provided BLAS library:
       cmake -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp_seq ..


Instructions for using Intel compiler or libraries for different parts on non-Cray systems. For Cray systems, please check further below.

Note: in Intel Parallel Studio 2019 there is a potential issue that mpirun fails with the error OFI addrinfo() failed on local (non-cluster) installations. This can be worked around by setting export I_MPI_FABRICS=shm.

Intel MPI, GNU Compiler and system-provided OpenBLAS

Verified with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019.5 installed in /sw/intel with an OS-provided GCC 7.4.1 on Linux openSUSE Leap 15.1, using CMake 3.12.0.

  1. Make sure that the Intel environment is properly loaded:
       source /sw/intel/bin/ intel64
  1. Use the Intel-provided MPI compiler wrappers for the GNU toolchain, to override CMake's auto-detection which may pick up the system MPI:
       CC=mpicc FC=mpifc CXX=mpicxx cmake ..

Intel MPI, GNU Compiler and Intel MKL

Verified with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019.5 installed in /sw/intel with an OS-provided GCC 7.4.1 on Linux openSUSE Leap 15.1, using CMake 3.12.0.

  1. Make sure that the Intel environment is properly loaded:
       source /sw/intel/bin/ intel64
  1. Use the Intel-provided MPI compiler wrappers for the GNU toolchain:
       CC=mpicc FC=mpifc CXX=mpicxx cmake -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp_seq ..

Intel MPI, Intel Compiler and Intel MKL

Verified with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019.5 installed in /sw/intel on Linux openSUSE Leap 15.1, using CMake 3.12.0.

  1. Make sure that the Intel environment is properly loaded:
       source /sw/intel/bin/ intel64
  1. Use the Intel-provided MPI compiler wrappers:
       CC=mpiicc FC=mpiifort CXX=mpiicxx cmake -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp_seq ..


Follow what is described in the previous sections. For GNU, if you have installed Command Line Tools by Apple and GCC with Homebrew that can lead to a conflict in which compiler CMake will use. Therefore, we suggest specifying GCC, for example

    CC=gcc-9 CXX=g++-9 cmake ..

where -9 can be adapted to your version.


Please note that you need at least PGI >= 19.11.

Assuming that your $PATH is set correctly such that pgcc, pgc++ and pgfortran can be found, run the following to get a DBCSR version without MPI:

    CC=pgcc CXX=pgc++ FC=pgfortran cmake -DUSE_MPI=OFF ..

the -DUSE_MPI=OFF is needed here to avoid that CMake picks up any MPI installation, for example from Homebrew.

To build with MPI you need an MPI implementation built for/with the PGI compiler, for example the MPICH usually bundled with the PGI installation.

Make sure that $PATH is correctly set to include mpicc and mpifort from the PGI MPICH installation, then run:

    CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpifort MPICH_CC=pgcc cmake ..


Some machines require additional environments to be loaded to either provide the modules specified below or to be able to properly build with the loaded modules.

Please contact your cluster/datacenter administrator for more information.

Example for the CSCS' Piz Daint:

    module load daint-mc  # to build for the non-GPU partition
    module load daint-gpu  # to build for the GPU partition

Note: the libsci-cray has different variants for MPI or OpenMP. When disabling either MPI or OpenMP support in DBCSR you might want to adjust the selected BLAS/LAPACK library accordingly (e.g. drop the _mpi, or _mp).

CCE and libsci-cray

Verified on CSCS' Piz Daint with CCE 10.0.2 and cray-libsci 20.06.1, using CMake 3.18.4.

  1. Make sure that the PrgEnv-cray module is loaded:
       module load PrgEnv-cray
  1. While the MPI wrapper/compiler will be detected automatically, must the BLAS/LAPACK libraries be specified manually:
       cmake \
         -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=CrayLinuxEnvironment \
         -DBLAS_LIBRARIES="-lsci_cray_mpi_mp -lhugetlbfs" \
         -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES="-lsci_cray_mpi_mp" \

Intel Compiler and libsci-cray

Verified on CSCS' Piz Daint with Intel 19.1 and cray-libsci 20.06.1, using CMake 3.18.4.

  1. Make sure that the PrgEnv-intel module is loaded:
       module load PrgEnv-intel
  1. While the MPI wrapper/compiler will be detected automatically, must the BLAS/LAPACK libraries be specified manually:
       cmake \
         -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=CrayLinuxEnvironment \
         -DBLAS_LIBRARIES="-lsci_intel_mpi_mp -lhugetlbfs" \
         -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES="-lsci_intel_mpi_mp" \

GNU Compiler and libsci-cray

Verified on CSCS' Piz Daint with GNU 8.3.0 and cray-libsci 20.06.1, using CMake 3.18.4.

  1. Make sure that the PrgEnv-gnu module is loaded:
       module load PrgEnv-gnu
  1. While the MPI wrapper/compiler will be detected automatically, must the BLAS/LAPACK libraries be specified manually:
       cmake \
         -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=CrayLinuxEnvironment \
         -DBLAS_LIBRARIES="-lsci_gnu_mpi_mp -lhugetlbfs" \
         -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES="-lsci_gnu_mpi_mp" \

Any compiler

Custom compiler flags

In the DBCSR build system we preload the default compiler flags (especially the ones for Fortran) with flags required to build the code with a specific compiler, while additional optimization flags are added based on the CMake build type.

This allows the user to override optimization flags by setting a custom build type and providing optimization flags for that build type as follows:

       cmake \
         -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=custom \
         -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_CUSTOM="-O3 -march=native" \
         -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_CUSTOM="-O3 -march=native" \
         -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_CUSTOM="-O3 -march=native" \