

  • General overview of the library

Urban Borstnik, Joost VandeVondele, Valery Weber, and Jürg Hutter. 2014. Sparse Matrix Multiplication: The Distributed Block-Compressed Sparse Row Library. Parallel Comput. 40, 5-6 (2014), 47–58.

  • Use of one-sided MPI and a 2.5D algorithm

Alfio Lazzaro, Joost VandeVondele, Jürg Hutter, and Ole Schütt. Increasing the Efficiency of Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication with a 2.5D Algorithm and One-Sided MPI. In Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, PASC ’17, pages 3:1–3:9, New York, NY, USA, 2017. ACM.

  • GPU-Backend

Ole Schütt, Peter Messmer, Jürg Hutter, and Joost VandeVondele. 2015. GPU-Accelerated Sparse Matrix–Matrix Multiplication for Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory. John Wiley and Sons, Chapter 8, 173–190.

Ilia Sivkov, Alfio Lazzaro, and Jürg Hutter. DBCSR: A Library for Dense Matrix Multiplications on Distributed GPU-Accelerated Systems. 2019.