dbcsr_csr_conversions Module

DBCSR to CSR matrix format conversion


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=*), private, parameter :: moduleN = 'dbcsr_csr_conversions'
logical, private, parameter :: careful_mod = .FALSE.
integer, public, parameter :: csr_dbcsr_blkrow_dist = 1
integer, public, parameter :: csr_eqrow_ceil_dist = 2
integer, public, parameter :: csr_eqrow_floor_dist = 3


private interface csr_create

  • public subroutine csr_create_new(csr_mat, nrows_total, ncols_total, nze_total, nze_local, nrows_local, mp_group, data_type)

    Create a new CSR matrix and allocate all internal data (excluding dbcsr_mapping)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(csr_type), intent(out) :: csr_mat

    CSR matrix to return

    integer, intent(in) :: nrows_total

    total number of rows total number of columns

    integer, intent(in) :: ncols_total

    total number of rows total number of columns

    integer(kind=int_8) :: nze_total

    total number of non-zero elements

    integer, intent(in) :: nze_local

    local number of non-zero elements local number of rows

    integer, intent(in) :: nrows_local

    local number of non-zero elements local number of rows

    type(mp_comm_type), intent(in) :: mp_group
    integer, intent(in), optional :: data_type

    data type of the CSR matrix (default real double prec.)

  • public subroutine csr_create_template(matrix_b, matrix_a)

    Create a new CSR matrix and allocate all internal data using an existing CSR matrix. Copies the indices but no actual matrix data.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(csr_type), intent(out) :: matrix_b

    Target CSR matrix

    type(csr_type), intent(in) :: matrix_a

    Source CSR matrix

Derived Types

type, private ::  csr_mapping_data

Mapping data relating local CSR indices to local indices of a block-row distributed (BRD) DBCSR matrix, and containing the block structure of the original DBCSR matrix from which the CSR matrix was created.


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: csr_to_brd_ind => NULL()

csr_to_brd_ind(csr_ind) gives the location of a matrix element with CSR index csr_ind (location in nzval_local) inside the data_area of the corresponding BRD matrix. If an element of the DBCSR matrix is treated as 0 in the CSR format, the index of this value is not in csr_to_brd_ind. same as csr_to_brd_ind but inverse mapping. If a given DBCSR index dbcsr_ind points to a zero element, then brd_to_csr_ind(dbcsr_ind) is -1.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: brd_to_csr_ind => NULL()

csr_to_brd_ind(csr_ind) gives the location of a matrix element with CSR index csr_ind (location in nzval_local) inside the data_area of the corresponding BRD matrix. If an element of the DBCSR matrix is treated as 0 in the CSR format, the index of this value is not in csr_to_brd_ind. same as csr_to_brd_ind but inverse mapping. If a given DBCSR index dbcsr_ind points to a zero element, then brd_to_csr_ind(dbcsr_ind) is -1.

type(dbcsr_type), private :: brd_mat = dbcsr_type()

DBCSR BRD matrix acting as an intermediate step in any conversion from and to DBCSR format.

logical, private :: has_dbcsr_block_data = .FALSE.

whether dbcsr_* fields are defined

integer, private :: dbcsr_nblkcols_total = -1

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private :: dbcsr_nblkrows_total = -1

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private :: dbcsr_nblks_local = -1

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_row_p => NULL()

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_col_i => NULL()

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_row_blk_size => NULL()

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_col_blk_size => NULL()

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

type, private ::  csr_data_area_type

Data type of CSR matrices


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=real_4), public, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_sp => Null()

real, single precision data array

real(kind=real_8), public, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: r_dp => Null()

real, double precision data array

complex(kind=real_4), public, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: c_sp => Null()

complex, double precision data array

complex(kind=real_8), public, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: c_dp => Null()
integer, public :: data_type = -1

data type of CSR matrix

type, public ::  csr_type

Type for CSR matrices


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: nrows_total = -1

total number of rows total number of columns local number of nonzero elements local number of rows

integer, public :: ncols_total = -1

total number of rows total number of columns local number of nonzero elements local number of rows

integer, public :: nze_local = -1

total number of rows total number of columns local number of nonzero elements local number of rows

integer, public :: nrows_local = -1

total number of rows total number of columns local number of nonzero elements local number of rows

type(mp_comm_type), public :: mp_group = mp_comm_type()

message-passing group ID

integer(kind=int_8), public :: nze_total = -1_int_8

total number of nonzero elements

integer, public, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: rowptr_local => NULL()

indices of elements inside nzval_local starting a row column indices of elements inside nzval_local

integer, public, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: colind_local => NULL()

indices of elements inside nzval_local starting a row column indices of elements inside nzval_local

integer, public, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: nzerow_local => NULL()

indices of elements inside nzval_local starting a row column indices of elements inside nzval_local

type(csr_data_area_type), public :: nzval_local = csr_data_area_type()

values of local non-zero elements, row-wise ordering.

type(csr_mapping_data), public :: dbcsr_mapping = csr_mapping_data()

mapping data relating indices of nzval_local to indices of a block-row distributed DBCSR matrix

logical, public :: has_mapping = .FALSE.

whether dbcsr_mapping is defined

logical, public :: valid = .FALSE.

whether essential data (excluding dbcsr_mapping) is completely allocated

logical, public :: has_indices = .FALSE.

whether rowptr_local and colind_local are defined

type, public ::  csr_p_type


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(csr_type), public, POINTER :: csr_mat => NULL()


private function dbcsr_has_same_block_structure(matrix_a, matrix_b) result(is_equal)

Helper function to assert that two DBCSR matrices have the same block structure and same sparsity pattern


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: matrix_a
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: matrix_b

Return Value logical

whether matrix_a and matrix_b have the same block structure


public subroutine csr_create_new(csr_mat, nrows_total, ncols_total, nze_total, nze_local, nrows_local, mp_group, data_type)

Create a new CSR matrix and allocate all internal data (excluding dbcsr_mapping)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(csr_type), intent(out) :: csr_mat

CSR matrix to return

integer, intent(in) :: nrows_total

total number of rows total number of columns

integer, intent(in) :: ncols_total

total number of rows total number of columns

integer(kind=int_8) :: nze_total

total number of non-zero elements

integer, intent(in) :: nze_local

local number of non-zero elements local number of rows

integer, intent(in) :: nrows_local

local number of non-zero elements local number of rows

type(mp_comm_type), intent(in) :: mp_group
integer, intent(in), optional :: data_type

data type of the CSR matrix (default real double prec.)

public subroutine csr_create_template(matrix_b, matrix_a)

Create a new CSR matrix and allocate all internal data using an existing CSR matrix. Copies the indices but no actual matrix data.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(csr_type), intent(out) :: matrix_b

Target CSR matrix

type(csr_type), intent(in) :: matrix_a

Source CSR matrix

private subroutine csr_create_nzerow(csr_mat, nzerow)

create a vector containing the number of non-zero elements in each row of a CSR matrix


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(csr_type), intent(in) :: csr_mat

CSR matrix

integer, intent(inout), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: nzerow

number of non-zero elements in each row

public subroutine csr_destroy(csr_mat)

destroy a CSR matrix


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(csr_type), intent(inout) :: csr_mat

private subroutine csr_create_from_brd(brd_mat, csr_mat, csr_sparsity_brd)

Allocate the internals of a CSR matrix using data from a block-row distributed DBCSR matrix


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: brd_mat

block-row-distributed DBCSR matrix

type(csr_type), intent(out) :: csr_mat

CSR matrix

type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: csr_sparsity_brd

BRD matrix representing sparsity pattern of CSR matrix

private subroutine csr_get_dbcsr_mapping(brd_mat, dbcsr_index, csr_index, csr_nze_local, csr_sparsity_brd)

create the mapping information between a block-row distributed DBCSR matrix and the corresponding CSR matrix


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: brd_mat

the block-row distributed DBCSR matrix

integer, intent(out), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_index

csr to dbcsr index mapping dbcsr to csr index mapping

integer, intent(out), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: csr_index

csr to dbcsr index mapping dbcsr to csr index mapping

integer, intent(out) :: csr_nze_local

number of local non-zero elements

type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: csr_sparsity_brd

sparsity of CSR matrix represented in BRD format

private subroutine convert_csr_to_brd(brd_mat, csr_mat)

Copies data from a CSR matrix to a block-row distributed DBCSR matrix. The DBCSR matrix must have a block structure consistent with the CSR matrix.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(inout) :: brd_mat

block-row distributed DBCSR matrix

type(csr_type), intent(in) :: csr_mat

CSR matrix

private subroutine convert_brd_to_csr(brd_mat, csr_mat)

Convert a block-row distributed DBCSR matrix to a CSR matrix The DBCSR matrix must have a block structure consistent with the CSR matrix.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: brd_mat

block-row distributed DBCSR matrix

type(csr_type), intent(inout) :: csr_mat

CSR matrix

public subroutine csr_create_from_dbcsr(dbcsr_mat, csr_mat, dist_format, csr_sparsity, numnodes)

create CSR matrix including dbcsr_mapping from arbitrary DBCSR matrix in order to prepare conversion.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: dbcsr_mat
type(csr_type), intent(out) :: csr_mat
integer, intent(in) :: dist_format

how to distribute CSR rows over processes: csr_dbcsr_blkrow_dist: the number of rows per process is adapted to the row block sizes in the DBCSR format such that blocks are not split over different processes. csr_eqrow_ceil_dist: each process holds ceiling(N/P) CSR rows. csr_eqrow_floor_dist: each process holds floor(N/P) CSR rows.

type(dbcsr_type), intent(in), optional :: csr_sparsity

DBCSR matrix containing 0 and 1, representing CSR sparsity pattern 1: non-zero element 0: zero element (not present in CSR format) Note: matrix must be of data_type dbcsr_type_real_4 or dbcsr_type_real_8 (integer types not supported)

integer, intent(in), optional :: numnodes

number of nodes to use for distributing CSR matrix (optional, default is number of nodes used for DBCSR matrix)

private subroutine csr_assert_consistency_with_dbcsr(csr_mat, dbcsr_mat)

Helper function to assert that a given CSR matrix and a given DBCSR matrix are consistent before doing the conversion


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(csr_type), intent(in) :: csr_mat
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: dbcsr_mat

public subroutine convert_dbcsr_to_csr(dbcsr_mat, csr_mat)

Convert a DBCSR matrix to a CSR matrix.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: dbcsr_mat

DBCSR matrix to convert

type(csr_type), intent(inout) :: csr_mat

correctly allocated CSR matrix

public subroutine convert_csr_to_dbcsr(dbcsr_mat, csr_mat)

convert a CSR matrix to a DBCSR matrix


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(inout) :: dbcsr_mat

correctly allocated DBCSR matrix

type(csr_type), intent(inout) :: csr_mat

CSR matrix to convert

public subroutine dbcsr_to_csr_filter(dbcsr_mat, csr_sparsity, eps)

Apply filtering threshold eps to DBCSR blocks in order to improve CSR sparsity (currently only used for testing purposes)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: dbcsr_mat
type(dbcsr_type), intent(out) :: csr_sparsity
real(kind=real_8), intent(in) :: eps

public subroutine csr_write(csr_mat, unit_nr, upper_triangle, threshold, binary)

Write a CSR matrix to file


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(csr_type), intent(in) :: csr_mat
integer, intent(in) :: unit_nr

unit number to which output is written

logical, intent(in), optional :: upper_triangle

If true (default: false), write only upper triangular part of matrix

real(kind=real_8), intent(in), optional :: threshold

threshold on the absolute value of the elements to be printed

logical, intent(in), optional :: binary

public subroutine csr_print_sparsity(csr_mat, unit_nr)

Print CSR sparsity


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(csr_type), intent(in) :: csr_mat
integer, intent(in) :: unit_nr

private subroutine dbcsr_create_brd(dbcsr_mat, brd_mat, equal_dist, floor_dist, numnodes)

Converts a DBCSR matrix to a block row distributed matrix.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: dbcsr_mat

DBCSR matrix to be converted

type(dbcsr_type), intent(out) :: brd_mat

converted matrix

logical, intent(in) :: equal_dist

see documentation of csr_create_from_dbcsr see documentation of csr_create_from_dbcsr

logical, intent(in) :: floor_dist

see documentation of csr_create_from_dbcsr see documentation of csr_create_from_dbcsr

integer, intent(in) :: numnodes

number of nodes to use for block row distribution