dbcsr_has_same_block_structure Function

private function dbcsr_has_same_block_structure(matrix_a, matrix_b) result(is_equal)

Helper function to assert that two DBCSR matrices have the same block structure and same sparsity pattern


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: matrix_a
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: matrix_b

Return Value logical

whether matrix_a and matrix_b have the same block structure

Source Code

   FUNCTION dbcsr_has_same_block_structure(matrix_a, matrix_b) RESULT(is_equal)
      !! Helper function to assert that two DBCSR matrices have the same block
      !! structure and same sparsity pattern

      TYPE(dbcsr_type), INTENT(IN)                       :: matrix_a, matrix_b
      LOGICAL                                            :: is_equal
         !! whether matrix_a and matrix_b have the same block structure

      is_equal = .TRUE.

      IF (dbcsr_nblkcols_total(matrix_a) .NE. dbcsr_nblkcols_total(matrix_b)) is_equal = .FALSE.
      IF (dbcsr_nblkrows_total(matrix_a) .NE. dbcsr_nblkrows_total(matrix_b)) is_equal = .FALSE.
      IF ((matrix_a%nblks) .NE. (matrix_b%nblks)) is_equal = .FALSE.
      IF (ANY(matrix_a%row_p .NE. matrix_b%row_p)) is_equal = .FALSE.
      IF (ANY(matrix_a%col_i .NE. matrix_b%col_i)) is_equal = .FALSE.
      IF (ANY(dbcsr_row_block_sizes(matrix_a) .NE. &
              dbcsr_row_block_sizes(matrix_b))) is_equal = .FALSE.
      IF (ANY(dbcsr_row_block_sizes(matrix_a) .NE. &
              dbcsr_row_block_sizes(matrix_b))) is_equal = .FALSE.

   END FUNCTION dbcsr_has_same_block_structure