csr_mapping_data Derived Type

type, private :: csr_mapping_data

Mapping data relating local CSR indices to local indices of a block-row distributed (BRD) DBCSR matrix, and containing the block structure of the original DBCSR matrix from which the CSR matrix was created.


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: csr_to_brd_ind => NULL()

csr_to_brd_ind(csr_ind) gives the location of a matrix element with CSR index csr_ind (location in nzval_local) inside the data_area of the corresponding BRD matrix. If an element of the DBCSR matrix is treated as 0 in the CSR format, the index of this value is not in csr_to_brd_ind. same as csr_to_brd_ind but inverse mapping. If a given DBCSR index dbcsr_ind points to a zero element, then brd_to_csr_ind(dbcsr_ind) is -1.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: brd_to_csr_ind => NULL()

csr_to_brd_ind(csr_ind) gives the location of a matrix element with CSR index csr_ind (location in nzval_local) inside the data_area of the corresponding BRD matrix. If an element of the DBCSR matrix is treated as 0 in the CSR format, the index of this value is not in csr_to_brd_ind. same as csr_to_brd_ind but inverse mapping. If a given DBCSR index dbcsr_ind points to a zero element, then brd_to_csr_ind(dbcsr_ind) is -1.

type(dbcsr_type), private :: brd_mat = dbcsr_type()

DBCSR BRD matrix acting as an intermediate step in any conversion from and to DBCSR format.

logical, private :: has_dbcsr_block_data = .FALSE.

whether dbcsr_* fields are defined

integer, private :: dbcsr_nblkcols_total = -1

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private :: dbcsr_nblkrows_total = -1

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private :: dbcsr_nblks_local = -1

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_row_p => NULL()

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_col_i => NULL()

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_row_blk_size => NULL()

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.

integer, private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dbcsr_col_blk_size => NULL()

data from original DBCSR matrix (not block-row distributed), representing the original block structure.