dbcsr_mp_type Derived Type

type, private :: dbcsr_mp_type

A processor (process) grid distribution


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: mynode = -1

my processor/node (process) number

integer, public :: numnodes = -1

number of processors/nodes (processes)

integer, public :: myprow = -1

my process grid row

integer, public :: mypcol = -1

my process grid column

type(mp_comm_type), public :: mp_group = mp_comm_null

message-passing group ID

integer, public, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: pgrid => Null()

processor grid

integer, public :: refcount = 0

reference counter

logical, public :: subgroups_defined = .FALSE.

whether the subgroups are defined

type(mp_comm_type), public :: prow_group = mp_comm_null

per-process-row communicator

type(mp_comm_type), public :: pcol_group = mp_comm_null

pre-process-column communicator

integer, public :: source = -1

Source Code

   TYPE dbcsr_mp_type
      !! A processor (process) grid distribution

      INTEGER                            :: mynode = -1
         !! my processor/node (process) number
      INTEGER                            :: numnodes = -1
         !! number of processors/nodes (processes)
      INTEGER                            :: myprow = -1
         !! my process grid row
      INTEGER                            :: mypcol = -1
         !! my process grid column
      TYPE(mp_comm_type)                 :: mp_group = mp_comm_null
         !! message-passing group ID
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: pgrid => Null()
         !! processor grid
      INTEGER                            :: refcount = 0
         !! reference counter
      LOGICAL                            :: subgroups_defined = .FALSE.
         !! whether the subgroups are defined
      TYPE(mp_comm_type)                 :: prow_group = mp_comm_null
         !! per-process-row communicator
      TYPE(mp_comm_type)                 :: pcol_group = mp_comm_null
         !! pre-process-column communicator
      INTEGER                            :: source = -1
   END TYPE dbcsr_mp_type