dbcsr_types.F Source File

Source Code

# 1 "/__w/dbcsr/dbcsr/src/core/dbcsr_types.F" 1
! Copyright (C) by the DBCSR developers group - All rights reserved                                !
! This file is part of the DBCSR library.                                                          !
!                                                                                                  !
! For information on the license, see the LICENSE file.                                            !
! For further information please visit https://dbcsr.cp2k.org                                      !
! SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+                                                                !

MODULE dbcsr_types
   !! DBCSR data types
   USE dbcsr_array_types, ONLY: array_i1d_obj
   USE dbcsr_btree, ONLY: btree_i8_cp2d, &
                          btree_i8_dp2d, &
                          btree_i8_sp2d, &
   USE dbcsr_data_types, ONLY: &
      dbcsr_data_area_type, dbcsr_data_obj, dbcsr_datatype_sizeof, dbcsr_memtype_default, &
      dbcsr_memtype_type, dbcsr_scalar_type, dbcsr_type_complex_4, dbcsr_type_complex_4_2d, &
      dbcsr_type_complex_8, dbcsr_type_complex_8_2d, dbcsr_type_complex_default, &
      dbcsr_type_int_4, dbcsr_type_real_4, dbcsr_type_real_4_2d, dbcsr_type_real_8, &
      dbcsr_type_real_8_2d, dbcsr_type_real_default
   USE dbcsr_kinds, ONLY: default_string_length, &
   USE dbcsr_mpiwrap, ONLY: mp_comm_type, mp_comm_null

!$ USE OMP_LIB, ONLY: omp_get_max_threads, omp_get_thread_num, omp_get_num_threads


   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'dbcsr_types'

   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_type, &
             dbcsr_scalar_type, &
             dbcsr_data_obj, &
             dbcsr_data_area_type, &
             dbcsr_work_type, &
             dbcsr_1d_array_type, &
             dbcsr_2d_array_type, &
             dbcsr_mp_obj, &
             dbcsr_distribution_obj, &
             dbcsr_imagedistribution_type, &
             dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj, &
             dbcsr_iterator, &
             dbcsr_mutable_obj, &
   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_meta_size
   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_slot_size, &
             dbcsr_slot_row_p, &
             dbcsr_slot_col_i, &
             dbcsr_slot_blk_p, &
             dbcsr_slot_thr_c, &
             dbcsr_slot_coo_l, &
             dbcsr_slot_nblks, &
             dbcsr_slot_nze, &
             dbcsr_slot_dense, &
             dbcsr_slot_nblkrows_total, &
             dbcsr_slot_nblkcols_total, &
             dbcsr_slot_nfullrows_total, &
             dbcsr_slot_nfullcols_total, &
             dbcsr_slot_nblkrows_local, &
             dbcsr_slot_nblkcols_local, &
             dbcsr_slot_nfullrows_local, &
             dbcsr_slot_nfullcols_local, &
             dbcsr_slot_type, &
             dbcsr_slot_home_prow, &
             dbcsr_slot_home_pcol, &
             dbcsr_slot_home_rowi, &
             dbcsr_slot_home_coli, &
             dbcsr_slot_home_vprow, &
             dbcsr_slot_home_vpcol, &

   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_mpi_size_limits

   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_type_real_4, dbcsr_type_real_8, &
             dbcsr_type_complex_4, dbcsr_type_complex_8, &
             dbcsr_type_real_default, dbcsr_type_complex_default, &
             dbcsr_type_real_4_2d, dbcsr_type_real_8_2d, &
             dbcsr_type_complex_4_2d, dbcsr_type_complex_8_2d, &
   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_datatype_sizeof
   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_memtype_type, &

   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_type_invalid, dbcsr_type_no_symmetry, dbcsr_type_symmetric, &
             dbcsr_type_antisymmetric, dbcsr_type_hermitian, dbcsr_type_antihermitian
   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_no_transpose, dbcsr_transpose, dbcsr_conjugate_transpose
   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_repl_none, dbcsr_repl_row, dbcsr_repl_col, dbcsr_repl_full

   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_filter_frobenius
   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_norm_frobenius, dbcsr_norm_maxabsnorm, &
             dbcsr_norm_gershgorin, dbcsr_norm_column

   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_func_inverse, dbcsr_func_tanh, dbcsr_func_dtanh, &
             dbcsr_func_ddtanh, dbcsr_func_artanh, dbcsr_func_inverse_special, &
             dbcsr_func_spread_from_zero, &
             dbcsr_func_sin, &
             dbcsr_func_dsin, &
             dbcsr_func_ddsin, &
             dbcsr_func_asin, &
             dbcsr_func_truncate, &

   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_2d_array_obj

   PUBLIC :: dbcsr_mpi_statistics_type

   TYPE dbcsr_mp_type
      !! A processor (process) grid distribution

      INTEGER                            :: mynode = -1
         !! my processor/node (process) number
      INTEGER                            :: numnodes = -1
         !! number of processors/nodes (processes)
      INTEGER                            :: myprow = -1
         !! my process grid row
      INTEGER                            :: mypcol = -1
         !! my process grid column
      TYPE(mp_comm_type)                 :: mp_group = mp_comm_null
         !! message-passing group ID
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: pgrid => Null()
         !! processor grid
      INTEGER                            :: refcount = 0
         !! reference counter
      LOGICAL                            :: subgroups_defined = .FALSE.
         !! whether the subgroups are defined
      TYPE(mp_comm_type)                 :: prow_group = mp_comm_null
         !! per-process-row communicator
      TYPE(mp_comm_type)                 :: pcol_group = mp_comm_null
         !! pre-process-column communicator
      INTEGER                            :: source = -1
   END TYPE dbcsr_mp_type

   TYPE dbcsr_mp_obj
      !! Wrapper for the dbcsr_mp_type

      TYPE(dbcsr_mp_type), POINTER :: mp => Null()
         !! pointer to a dbcsr_mp_type instance
   END TYPE dbcsr_mp_obj

   TYPE dbcsr_distribution_type
      !! Matrix distribution on the processor grid

      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: row_dist_block = array_i1d_obj(), col_dist_block = array_i1d_obj()
         !! standard row distributions of matrix elements' rows into processor grid rows
         !! standard column distributions of matrix elements' columns into processor grid columns
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: local_rows = array_i1d_obj(), local_cols = array_i1d_obj()
         !! list of rows local to the processor grid row
         !! list of columns local to the processor grid column
      INTEGER                                    :: max_row_dist = -1, max_col_dist = -1
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: other_l_rows => Null()
         !! local rows for each process row
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: other_l_cols => Null()
         !! local columns for each process column
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_other_l_rows = .FALSE.
         !! other_rows is defined
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_other_l_cols = .FALSE.
         !! other_cols is defined
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: global_row_map = array_i1d_obj()
         !! mapping from rows to sequence in local rows (global to local mapping)
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: global_col_map = array_i1d_obj()
         !! mapping from rows to sequence in local columns (global to local mapping)
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_global_row_map = .FALSE.
         !! whether other_row_map is defined
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_global_col_map = .FALSE.
         !! whether other_col_map is defined
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: row_map = array_i1d_obj()
         !! distribution map for rows
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: col_map = array_i1d_obj()
         !! distribution map for columns
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_thread_dist = .FALSE.
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: thread_dist = array_i1d_obj()
         !! thread distribution (of the rows)
      INTEGER                                    :: num_threads = -1
         !! number of threads in the environment
      TYPE(dbcsr_mp_obj)                         :: mp_env = dbcsr_mp_obj()
         !! multiprocessor environment on which the distribution is based
      INTEGER                                    :: refcount = 0
         !! reference counter
   END TYPE dbcsr_distribution_type

   TYPE dbcsr_distribution_obj
      TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_type), POINTER  :: d => Null()
   END TYPE dbcsr_distribution_obj

   TYPE dbcsr_imagedistribution_type
      !! Image distributions are used to map incompatible processor row and
      !! column distributions.
      !! Used to ease storage or transfer between two different-sizes
      !! sets. For example, if there are 4 real processor rows that are
      !! mapped to 8 "virtual" processor rows, then there are two images for
      !! every real processor row.

      TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_obj)               :: main = dbcsr_distribution_obj()
         !! the main distribution
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: row_image = array_i1d_obj()
         !! distribution of matrix elements' rows into image  rows
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: col_image = array_i1d_obj()
         !! distribution of matrix elements' columns into image columns
      INTEGER                                    :: row_decimation = -1
         !! Number of imaged rows mapped to a real row
      INTEGER                                    :: col_decimation = -1
         !! Number of imaged columns mapped to a real column
      INTEGER                                    :: row_multiplicity = -1
         !! Number of real rows mapped to a virtual row
      INTEGER                                    :: col_multiplicity = -1
         !! Number of real columns mapped to a virtual column
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: vrow_dist = array_i1d_obj()
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: vcol_dist = array_i1d_obj()
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: other_vl_rows => Null()
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: other_vl_cols => Null()
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: global_vrow_map = array_i1d_obj()
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                        :: global_vcol_map = array_i1d_obj()
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_other_vl_rows = .FALSE.
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_other_vl_cols = .FALSE.
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_global_vrow_map = .FALSE.
      LOGICAL                                    :: has_global_vcol_map = .FALSE.
      INTEGER                                    :: id = -1
      INTEGER                                    :: refcount = 0
         !! count of references
   END TYPE dbcsr_imagedistribution_type

   TYPE dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj
      TYPE(dbcsr_imagedistribution_type), POINTER :: i => Null()
   END TYPE dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj

   ! Different method for dbcsr_filter
   INTEGER, PARAMETER            :: dbcsr_filter_frobenius = 1

   ! Different norm for dbcsr_norm
   INTEGER, PARAMETER            :: dbcsr_norm_frobenius = 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER            :: dbcsr_norm_maxabsnorm = 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER            :: dbcsr_norm_gershgorin = 3
   INTEGER, PARAMETER            :: dbcsr_norm_column = 4

   TYPE dbcsr_block_buffer_type
      !! Buffer for blocks

      INTEGER                                     :: refcount = 0
         !! Reference counter
      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), POINTER              :: dirty => Null()
         !! Whether any buffers are dirty
      TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: buffers => Null()
         !! Buffers
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER           :: rcb => Null()
         !! Row and column and offset and dimensions of data in the buffer
      TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj)                        :: main = dbcsr_data_obj()
         !! Main memory
      TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: backing => Null()
         !! Backing memory (in lieu of main memory)
      INTEGER                                     :: data_type = -1
         !! Data type used for the buffers
   END TYPE dbcsr_block_buffer_type

   TYPE dbcsr_block_buffer_obj
      !! Object for the buffer of blocks

      TYPE(dbcsr_block_buffer_type), POINTER :: b => Null()
         !! Block buffer
   END TYPE dbcsr_block_buffer_obj

   TYPE dbcsr_iterator
      !! An iterator over a DBCSR matrix.
      !! @note This is briefly changed to allow being included in the dbcsr_type type
      !! What is written here is what the structure should be and not what it
      !! is.
      !! @endnote

      TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER                       :: matrix => Null()
         !! the matrix
      TYPE(dbcsr_block_buffer_obj)                   :: buffer_2d = dbcsr_block_buffer_obj()
         !! Buffers for repointing 2d pointers (1 per thread)
      INTEGER                                        :: pos = -1
         !! Current position (per thread)
      INTEGER                                        :: row = -1
         !! Current row (per thread)
      INTEGER                                        :: row_size = -1
         !! Size of current row
      INTEGER                                        :: row_offset = -1
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                 :: rbs => Null()
         !! Pointer to row size array
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                 :: cbs => Null()
         !! Pointer to column size array
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                 :: roff => Null()
         !! Pointer to row offset array
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                 :: coff => Null()
         !! Pointer to column offset array
      LOGICAL                                        :: local_indexing = .FALSE.
         !! The matrix has local indexing
      LOGICAL                                        :: contiguous_pointers = .FALSE.
         !! Whether pointers to data should be contiguous in memory.
      LOGICAL                                        :: transpose = .FALSE.
      LOGICAL                                        :: read_only = .FALSE.
      LOGICAL                                        :: shared = .FALSE.
         !! Iterators share matrix
      LOGICAL                                        :: dynamic = .FALSE.
         !! Ignores the thread distribution (FCFS by block)
      LOGICAL                                        :: dynamic_byrows = .FALSE.
         !! Ignores the thread distribution (FCFS by row)
      INTEGER, POINTER                               :: common_pos => Null()
         !! Position when in mixed mode (row or block depending in dynamic_byrows

      ! Copies from the matrix.
      INTEGER                                        :: nblks = -1
      INTEGER                                        :: nblkrows_total = -1
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                 :: row_p => Null()
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                 :: col_i => Null()
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                 :: blk_p => Null()
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS     :: tdist => Null()
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS     :: local_rows => Null()
         !! Mapping of local rows to global rows (if local indexing is enabled)
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS     :: global_rows => Null()
         !! Mapping of global rows to local rows (if local indexing is enabled)
      TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj)                           :: data_area = dbcsr_data_obj()
   END TYPE dbcsr_iterator

   TYPE dbcsr_mutable_type
      !! Data area with random access reads, insertions, and deletions.

      TYPE(btree_i8_sp2d)          :: btree_s = btree_i8_sp2d()
         !! Data types for the various types
      TYPE(btree_i8_dp2d)          :: btree_d = btree_i8_dp2d()
         !! Data types for the various types
      TYPE(btree_i8_cp2d)          :: btree_c = btree_i8_cp2d()
         !! Data types for the various types
      TYPE(btree_i8_zp2d)          :: btree_z = btree_i8_zp2d()
         !! Data types for the various types
      INTEGER                   :: refcount = 0
         !! Reference counter
      INTEGER                   :: data_type = -1
         !! The data type that is stored
   END TYPE dbcsr_mutable_type

   TYPE dbcsr_mutable_obj
      !! Object for the mutable data type
      TYPE(dbcsr_mutable_type), POINTER :: m => Null()
   END TYPE dbcsr_mutable_obj

   TYPE dbcsr_work_type
      !! Used for assembling a real matrix.

      TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj)                    :: data_area = dbcsr_data_obj()
         !! holds actual values.
         !! the row index of all of the blocks.
         !! the column index of all of the blocks.
         !! the pointer into the data array of this block.
      INTEGER                                 :: lastblk = -1
         !! index of the last block entered into the row_i, col_i, and blk_p data structures
      INTEGER                                 :: datasize = -1
         !! the actual size of data present in the data element
      INTEGER                                 :: datasize_after_filtering = -1
      !TYPE(btree_i8_dp2d)                       :: tree = btree_i8_dp2d()
         !! tree used to index data blocks (alternative to the row_i, col_i, and blk_p indices when index is scattered).
      TYPE(dbcsr_mutable_obj)                 :: mutable = dbcsr_mutable_obj()
         !! the final bcsr matrix
   END TYPE dbcsr_work_type

   TYPE dbcsr_type
      !! The BCSR sparse matrix type.
      !! arrays data and index hold the bulk of the data.
      !! @note the pointers row_p, col_i, blk_p point into the index array.
      !! @endnote

      INTEGER                                      :: serial_number = -1
         !! a unique number of each created matrix
      LOGICAL                                      :: valid = .FALSE.
         !! whether the matrix is valid (consistent)
      CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)         :: name = ""
         !! name of the matrix
      TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj)                         :: data_area = dbcsr_data_obj()
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS   :: index => Null()
         !! agglomeration of the indices and offsets of pointers into this array.
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: row_p => Null()
         !! points into the col_i and blk_p arrays, each element (1:nblkrows_total+1) points to the previous row's last element. So
         !! each rows has elements row_p(row)+1:row_p(row+1).
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: col_i => Null()
         !! the global blocked column number of this block.
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: blk_p => Null()
         !! the pointer into the data array of this block.
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: thr_c => Null()
         !! elements/thread for list index
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: coo_l => Null()
         !! coordinate list (used for direct indexing)
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                          :: row_blk_size = array_i1d_obj()
         !! sizes (rows in a block) of blocked rows
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                          :: col_blk_size = array_i1d_obj()
         !! sizes (columns in a block) of blocked columns
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                          :: row_blk_offset = array_i1d_obj()
         !! row offset (size = nrow+1)
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                          :: col_blk_offset = array_i1d_obj()
         !! col offset (size = ncol+1)
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                          :: local_rows = array_i1d_obj()
         !! Map of global to local rows when local indexing is enabled
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                          :: global_rows = array_i1d_obj()
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                          :: local_cols = array_i1d_obj()
      TYPE(array_i1d_obj)                          :: global_cols = array_i1d_obj()
      LOGICAL                                      :: has_local_rows = .FALSE.
      LOGICAL                                      :: has_global_rows = .FALSE.
      LOGICAL                                      :: has_local_cols = .FALSE.
      LOGICAL                                      :: has_global_cols = .FALSE.
      INTEGER                                      :: max_rbs = -1
         !! maximal row sizes
      INTEGER                                      :: max_cbs = -1
         !! maximal column sizes
      INTEGER                                      :: sparsity_id = -1
      INTEGER                                      :: id_nr = -1 ! use in sm_pool
      INTEGER                                      :: nblks = -1
         !! number of blocks locally present
      INTEGER                                      :: nze = -1
         !! number of non-zero elements locally present
      INTEGER                                      :: nblkrows_total = -1
         !! size of entire matrix in blocked rows
      INTEGER                                      :: nblkcols_total = -1
         !! size of entire matrix in blocked columns
      INTEGER                                      :: nfullrows_total = -1
         !! size of entire matrix in full rows
      INTEGER                                      :: nfullcols_total = -1
         !! size of entire matrix in full columns
      INTEGER                                      :: nblkrows_local = -1
         !! size of local part of matrix in blocked rows
      INTEGER                                      :: nblkcols_local = -1
         !! size of local part of matrix in blocked columns
      INTEGER                                      :: nfullrows_local = -1
         !! size of local part of matrix in full rows
      INTEGER                                      :: nfullcols_local = -1
         !! size of local part of matrix in full columns
      INTEGER                                      :: data_type = -1
         !! 'r'/'R' for single/double precision real or 'c'/'C' for single/double precision complex data
      CHARACTER                                    :: replication_type = ""
         !! multi-process replication used in the matrix
      LOGICAL                                      :: symmetry = .FALSE.
         !! matrix has symmetry
      LOGICAL                                      :: negate_real = .FALSE.
         !! symmetry is realized by negating the real part
      LOGICAL                                      :: negate_imaginary = .FALSE.
         !! symmetry is realized by negating complex part (i.e., antisymmetric)
      LOGICAL                                      :: bcsc = .FALSE.
         !! BCS Column instead of BCS Row
      LOGICAL                                      :: local_indexing = .FALSE.
         !! Local indexing of rows instead of global indexing.
      LOGICAL                                      :: list_indexing = .FALSE.
      TYPE(dbcsr_memtype_type)                     :: data_memory_type = dbcsr_memtype_type()
         !! memory type for data
      TYPE(dbcsr_memtype_type)                     :: index_memory_type = dbcsr_memtype_type()
         !! memory type for the index
      TYPE(dbcsr_block_buffer_obj)                 :: buffers = dbcsr_block_buffer_obj()
         !! Block buffers
      TYPE(dbcsr_work_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: wms => Null()
      TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_obj)                 :: dist = dbcsr_distribution_obj()
         !! distribution used by this matrix
      INTEGER                                      :: refcount = 0
         !! reference count
      LOGICAL                                      :: work_mutable = .FALSE.
         !! uses the mutable data for working and not the append-only data
   END TYPE dbcsr_type

   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_type_invalid = '0'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_type_no_symmetry = 'N'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_type_symmetric = 'S'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_type_antisymmetric = 'A'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_type_hermitian = 'H'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_type_antihermitian = 'K'

   ! multiply transpositions
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_no_transpose = 'N'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_transpose = 'T'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_conjugate_transpose = 'C'

   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_repl_none = 'N'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_repl_row = 'R'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_repl_col = 'C'
   CHARACTER, PARAMETER        :: dbcsr_repl_full = 'A'

   ! Function types
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_inverse = 0
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_tanh = 1
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_dtanh = 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_ddtanh = 3
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_artanh = 4
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_inverse_special = 5
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_spread_from_zero = 6
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_sin = 7
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_dsin = 8
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_ddsin = 9
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_asin = 10
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_cos = 11
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_func_truncate = 12

   ! These specify which array index in the index array is the start of the
   ! specified variable. For example, row_p => index(dbcsr_bcsr_slot_row_p)
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_size = 1
      !! Size of the assigned values in the index array.
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nblks = 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nze = 3
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_dense = 4
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nblkrows_total = 5
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nblkcols_total = 6
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nfullrows_total = 7
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nfullcols_total = 8
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nblkrows_local = 9
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nblkcols_local = 10
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nfullrows_local = 11
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_nfullcols_local = 12
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_type = 13
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_home_prow = 14
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_home_pcol = 15
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_home_rowi = 16
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_home_coli = 17
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_home_vprow = 18
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_home_vpcol = 19
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_meta_size = 19
      !! The number of meta fields.  Its value should be the index of the last slot listed above.
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_row_p = dbcsr_meta_size + 2
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_col_i = dbcsr_meta_size + 4
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_blk_p = dbcsr_meta_size + 6
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_thr_c = dbcsr_meta_size + 8
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_slot_coo_l = dbcsr_meta_size + 10
   INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: dbcsr_num_slots = dbcsr_meta_size + 11 ! previous + 1

   INTEGER(KIND=int_8), DIMENSION(6), PARAMETER :: dbcsr_mpi_size_limits = &
                                                   (/2**7, 2**13, 2**15, 2**17, 2**22, 2**24/)
      !! MPI message size limits (in bytes): 128, 8192, 32KB, 128KB, 4MB, 16MB

   TYPE dbcsr_work_type_p
      !! Pointer to a work matrix.

      TYPE(dbcsr_work_type), POINTER     :: w => Null()
         !! the work matrix
   END TYPE dbcsr_work_type_p

   TYPE dbcsr_type_p
      !! Pointer to a object.

      TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER           :: matrix => Null()
         !! the dbcsr_typeect
   END TYPE dbcsr_type_p

   TYPE dbcsr_1d_array_obj
      !! A 1-D array of DBCSR matrices

      TYPE(dbcsr_type_p), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: mats => Null()
         !! the array of matrices
   END TYPE dbcsr_1d_array_obj

   TYPE dbcsr_2d_array_obj
      !! A 2-D array of DBCSR matrices

      TYPE(dbcsr_type_p), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: mats => Null()
         !! the array of matrices
   END TYPE dbcsr_2d_array_obj

   TYPE dbcsr_1d_array_type
      !! An array of DBCSR matrices

      TYPE(dbcsr_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: mats => Null()
         !! the matrices
      TYPE(dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj)      :: image_dist = dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj()
         !! image distribution
   END TYPE dbcsr_1d_array_type

   TYPE dbcsr_2d_array_type
      !! A 2-d array of DBCSR matrices

      TYPE(dbcsr_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER :: mats => Null()
         !! the matrices
      TYPE(dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj)         :: image_dist = dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj()
         !! image distribution
   END TYPE dbcsr_2d_array_type

   TYPE dbcsr_mpi_statistics_type
      !! DBCSR MPI statistics
      INTEGER                                                             :: last_mpi_ranks_used = -1
      INTEGER                                                             :: nimages = -1
      INTEGER                                                             :: nexchanged = -1
      INTEGER                                                             :: nfiltered = -1
      ! rank 1: 1=right, 2=left
      ! rank 2: 1=total, 2=min, 3=max
      REAL, DIMENSION(2, 3)                                               :: data_size = 0.0
      ! message size breakdown
      INTEGER(KIND=int_8), DIMENSION(SIZE(dbcsr_mpi_size_limits) + 1, 2, 2) :: data_size_breakdown = -1
   END TYPE dbcsr_mpi_statistics_type

END MODULE dbcsr_types