make_images Subroutine

private subroutine make_images(ism, ums, target_imgdist, desymmetrize, predistribute, no_copy_data, scale_value)

Makes column-based and row-based images of a matrix.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: ism

input symmetric matrix

type(dbcsr_2d_array_type), intent(out) :: ums

normalized matrices

type(dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj), intent(in) :: target_imgdist

image distribution to normalize to

logical, intent(in), optional :: desymmetrize

desymmetrize a symmetric matrix

character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: predistribute

predistribute data for multiplication

logical, intent(in), optional :: no_copy_data

try to not merge data at the end

type(dbcsr_scalar_type), intent(in), optional :: scale_value

scale with this value

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE make_images(ism, ums, target_imgdist, desymmetrize, predistribute, &
                          no_copy_data, scale_value)
      !! Makes column-based and row-based images of a matrix.

      TYPE(dbcsr_type), INTENT(IN)                       :: ism
         !! input symmetric matrix
      TYPE(dbcsr_2d_array_type), INTENT(OUT)             :: ums
         !! normalized matrices
      TYPE(dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj), INTENT(IN)      :: target_imgdist
         !! image distribution to normalize to
      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: desymmetrize
         !! desymmetrize a symmetric matrix
      CHARACTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                    :: predistribute
         !! predistribute data for multiplication
      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: no_copy_data
         !! try to not merge data at the end
      TYPE(dbcsr_scalar_type), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL      :: scale_value
         !! scale with this value

      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'make_images'
      INTEGER, PARAMETER                                 :: metalen = 5
      LOGICAL, PARAMETER                                 :: dbg = .FALSE.

      CHARACTER                                          :: predist_type, predist_type_fwd
      INTEGER :: blk, blk_l, blk_p, bp, col, col_img, col_size, coli, data_type, dst_p, handle, &
                 handle2, ithread, ncol_images, nrow_images, nsymmetries, nthreads, numproc, &
                 nze, pcol, prow, row, row_img, row_size, rowi, sd_pos, sm_pos, src_p, stored_blk_p, &
                 stored_col, stored_row, symmetry_i, tr_col_size, tr_row_size, vcol, vrow
      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: myt_sdp, myt_smp, rd_disp, recv_meta, &
                                                            rm_disp, sd_disp, sdp, send_meta, &
                                                            sm_disp, smp
      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: all_total_send_offset, blk_ps, blks, &
                                                            myt_total_send_count, &
                                                            total_recv_count, total_send_count
      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :, :)        :: myt_send_count, recv_count, send_count
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), CONTIGUOUS, POINTER         :: col_blk_size, col_dist, col_img_dist, &
                                                            row_blk_size, row_dist, row_img_dist
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), CONTIGUOUS, POINTER      :: blacs2mpi
      LOGICAL                                            :: nocopy, tr
      TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj)                               :: received_data_area, recv_data_area, &
      TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_obj)                       :: old_dist, target_dist
      TYPE(dbcsr_iterator)                               :: iter
      TYPE(dbcsr_memtype_type)                           :: data_memory_type
      TYPE(dbcsr_mp_obj)                                 :: mp_obj
      TYPE(dbcsr_scalar_type)                            :: scale_neg_one
      TYPE(dbcsr_type)                                   :: sm
      TYPE(mp_comm_type)                                 :: mp_group

!   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Check input matrix
! Set convenient variables to access input matrix info

      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
      nocopy = .FALSE.
      IF (PRESENT(no_copy_data)) nocopy = no_copy_data
      sm = ism
      nsymmetries = 1
      IF (PRESENT(desymmetrize)) THEN
         IF (desymmetrize .AND. sm%symmetry) THEN
            nsymmetries = 2
         END IF
      END IF
      SELECT CASE (predistribute)
      CASE ('L', 'l')
         predist_type = 'L'
         predist_type_fwd = 'l'
      CASE ('R', 'r')
         predist_type = 'R'
         predist_type_fwd = 'r'
      CASE default
         DBCSR_ABORT("Incorrect pre-shift specifier.")
      data_type = sm%data_type
      IF (data_type .NE. dbcsr_type_real_8 .AND. &
          data_type .NE. dbcsr_type_real_4 .AND. &
          data_type .NE. dbcsr_type_complex_8 .AND. &
          data_type .NE. dbcsr_type_complex_4) &
         DBCSR_ABORT("Invalid data type.")
      scale_neg_one = dbcsr_scalar_negative(dbcsr_scalar_one(data_type))
      row_blk_size => array_data(sm%row_blk_size)
      col_blk_size => array_data(sm%col_blk_size)
      old_dist = dbcsr_distribution(ism)
      target_dist = target_imgdist%i%main
      row_dist => dbcsr_distribution_row_dist(target_dist)
      col_dist => dbcsr_distribution_col_dist(target_dist)
      IF (sm%symmetry) THEN
         IF (SIZE(row_dist) .NE. SIZE(col_dist)) &
            DBCSR_WARN('Unequal row and column distributions for symmetric matrix.')
      END IF
      nrow_images = target_imgdist%i%row_decimation
      IF (nrow_images .GT. 1) THEN
         row_img_dist => array_data(target_imgdist%i%row_image)
         NULLIFY (row_img_dist)
      END IF
      ncol_images = target_imgdist%i%col_decimation
      IF (ncol_images .GT. 1) THEN
         col_img_dist => array_data(target_imgdist%i%col_image)
         NULLIFY (col_img_dist)
      END IF
      mp_obj = dbcsr_distribution_mp(target_dist)
      blacs2mpi => dbcsr_mp_pgrid(mp_obj)
      numproc = dbcsr_mp_numnodes(mp_obj)
      mp_group = dbcsr_mp_group(mp_obj)
      IF (dbcsr_distribution_max_row_dist(old_dist) .GT. UBOUND(blacs2mpi, 1)) &
         DBCSR_ABORT('Row distribution references unexistent processor rows')
      IF (dbg) THEN
         IF (dbcsr_distribution_max_row_dist(old_dist) .NE. UBOUND(blacs2mpi, 1)) &
            DBCSR_WARN('Range of row distribution not equal to processor rows')
      END IF
      IF (dbcsr_distribution_max_col_dist(old_dist) .GT. UBOUND(blacs2mpi, 2)) &
         DBCSR_ABORT('Col distribution references unexistent processor cols')
      IF (dbg) THEN
         IF (dbcsr_distribution_max_col_dist(old_dist) .NE. UBOUND(blacs2mpi, 2)) &
            DBCSR_WARN('Range of col distribution not equal to processor cols')
      END IF

      ! Check threads configuration
!$    IF (.NOT. dbcsr_distribution_has_threads(old_dist)) &
!$       DBCSR_ABORT("Thread distribution not defined")

      ! Allocate shared temporary buffers
      ALLOCATE (send_count(2, nrow_images, ncol_images, 0:numproc - 1)); send_count = 0
      ALLOCATE (recv_count(2, nrow_images, ncol_images, 0:numproc - 1))
      ALLOCATE (total_send_count(2, 0:numproc - 1)); total_send_count = 0
      ALLOCATE (total_recv_count(2, 0:numproc - 1))
      ALLOCATE (sdp(0:numproc - 1))
      ALLOCATE (smp(0:numproc - 1))
      ALLOCATE (sd_disp(0:numproc - 1)); sd_disp(0) = 1
      ALLOCATE (sm_disp(0:numproc - 1)); sm_disp(0) = 1
      ALLOCATE (rd_disp(0:numproc - 1)); rd_disp(0) = 1
      ALLOCATE (rm_disp(0:numproc - 1)); rm_disp(0) = 1
      ALLOCATE (all_total_send_offset(2, 0:numproc - 1))
      ALLOCATE (blk_ps(nrow_images, ncol_images)); blk_ps = 1
      ALLOCATE (blks(nrow_images, ncol_images)); blks = 1
      ! Allocate and init mats
      ALLOCATE (ums%mats(nrow_images, ncol_images))
      data_memory_type = memtype_abpanel_1
      DO row_img = 1, nrow_images
         DO col_img = 1, ncol_images
            ums%mats(row_img, col_img) = dbcsr_type()
            CALL dbcsr_create(ums%mats(row_img, col_img), "imaged "//sm%name, &
                              target_dist, &
                              dbcsr_type_no_symmetry, &
                              row_blk_size_obj=sm%row_blk_size, col_blk_size_obj=sm%col_blk_size, &
                              nze=0, data_type=data_type, &
                              max_rbs=sm%max_rbs, max_cbs=sm%max_cbs, &
                              row_blk_offset=sm%row_blk_offset, col_blk_offset=sm%col_blk_offset, &
                              thread_dist=sm%dist, &
                              data_memory_type=data_memory_type, &
            ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%negate_real = sm%negate_real
            ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%negate_imaginary = sm%negate_imaginary
         END DO
      END DO

      nthreads = 1
!$OMP PRIVATE (ithread, symmetry_i, row_img, col_img, &
!$OMP          myt_send_count, myt_total_send_count, &
!$OMP          iter, row, col, blk, row_size, col_size, stored_row, stored_col, &
!$OMP          prow, pcol, rowi, coli, vrow, vcol, dst_p, nze, myt_smp, myt_sdp, &
!$OMP          blk_p, bp, sd_pos, sm_pos,tr, &
!$OMP          tr_row_size, tr_col_size) &
!$OMP SHARED (nthreads, nsymmetries, row_img_dist, col_img_dist, &
!$OMP         nrow_images, ncol_images, numproc, scale_value, &
!$OMP         ums, sm, ism, target_imgdist, row_dist, col_dist,&
!$OMP         predist_type_fwd, blacs2mpi, row_blk_size, col_blk_size, &
!$OMP         send_count, recv_count, handle2,mp_group, &
!$OMP         total_send_count, total_recv_count, recv_data_area, nocopy, &
!$OMP         data_type, recv_meta, send_data_area, send_meta, &
!$OMP         sd_disp, sm_disp, rd_disp, rm_disp, all_total_send_offset, blk_ps, blks, &
!$OMP         received_data_area, scale_neg_one, memtype_abpanel_1)
      ithread = 0
!$    ithread = omp_get_thread_num()
!$    nthreads = omp_get_num_threads()

      ! Allocate thread private data
      ALLOCATE (myt_send_count(2, nrow_images, ncol_images, 0:numproc - 1)); myt_send_count(:, :, :, :) = 0
      ALLOCATE (myt_total_send_count(2, 0:numproc - 1))
      ! Thread-local pointers of the current adding position into the send buffers
      ALLOCATE (myt_smp(0:numproc - 1), myt_sdp(0:numproc - 1))

      ! Count sizes for sending
      CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, ism, shared=.TRUE.)
      DO WHILE (dbcsr_iterator_blocks_left(iter))
         CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block(iter, row, col, blk, &
                                        row_size=row_size, col_size=col_size)
         nze = row_size*col_size
         IF (nze .EQ. 0) CYCLE
         DO symmetry_i = 1, nsymmetries
            IF (symmetry_i .EQ. 1) THEN
               stored_row = row; stored_col = col
               IF (row .EQ. col) CYCLE
               stored_row = col; stored_col = row
            END IF
            ! Where do we send this block?
            row_img = 1
            IF (nrow_images .GT. 1) row_img = row_img_dist(stored_row)
            col_img = 1
            IF (ncol_images .GT. 1) col_img = col_img_dist(stored_col)
            CALL image_calculator(target_imgdist, &
                                  prow=prow, rowi=rowi, &
                                  pcol=pcol, coli=coli, &
                                  vprow=vrow, vpcol=vcol, &
                                  myprow=row_dist(stored_row), myrowi=row_img, &
                                  mypcol=col_dist(stored_col), mycoli=col_img, &
            dst_p = blacs2mpi(prow, pcol)
            ! These counts are meant for the thread that processes this row.
            myt_send_count(1, rowi, coli, dst_p) = &
               myt_send_count(1, rowi, coli, dst_p) + 1
            myt_send_count(2, rowi, coli, dst_p) = &
               myt_send_count(2, rowi, coli, dst_p) + nze
         END DO ! symmetry_i
      END DO
      CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)
      DO dst_p = 0, numproc - 1
         myt_total_send_count(1, dst_p) = SUM(myt_send_count(1, :, :, dst_p))
         myt_total_send_count(2, dst_p) = SUM(myt_send_count(2, :, :, dst_p))
      END DO
      ! Merge the send counts
      send_count(:, :, :, :) = send_count(:, :, :, :) + myt_send_count(:, :, :, :)
      total_send_count(:, :) = total_send_count(:, :) + myt_total_send_count(:, :)
      CALL timeset(routineN//"_sizes", handle2)
      CALL mp_alltoall(send_count, recv_count, 2*nrow_images*ncol_images, &
      CALL timestop(handle2)
      ! Fill in the meta data structures and copy the data.
      DO dst_p = 0, numproc - 1
         total_recv_count(1, dst_p) = SUM(recv_count(1, :, :, dst_p))
         total_recv_count(2, dst_p) = SUM(recv_count(2, :, :, dst_p))
      END DO
      ! Allocate data structures needed for data exchange.
      CALL dbcsr_data_init(recv_data_area)
      CALL dbcsr_data_init(send_data_area)
      IF (nrow_images .EQ. 1 .AND. ncol_images .EQ. 1 .OR. nocopy) THEN
         ! For some cases the faster dbcsr_special_finalize(reshuffle=.FALSE.) can be used.
         ! This basically makes this working matrix the actual data-area.
         ! Hence, for those cases we have to use data_memory_type already here.
         CALL dbcsr_data_new(recv_data_area, data_type, SUM(total_recv_count(2, :)), memory_type=memtype_abpanel_1)
         ! Some MPI implementations have high overhead when encountering a new buffer.
         ! Therefore we also use the memory pool for the send buffer.
         CALL dbcsr_data_new(send_data_area, data_type, SUM(total_send_count(2, :)), memory_type=memtype_abpanel_1)
         CALL dbcsr_data_new(recv_data_area, data_type, SUM(total_recv_count(2, :)))
         CALL dbcsr_data_new(send_data_area, data_type, SUM(total_send_count(2, :)))
      END IF
      ALLOCATE (recv_meta(metalen*SUM(total_recv_count(1, :))))
      ALLOCATE (send_meta(metalen*SUM(total_send_count(1, :))))
      ! Calculate displacements for processors needed for the exchanges.
      DO dst_p = 1, numproc - 1
         sm_disp(dst_p) = sm_disp(dst_p - 1) &
                          + metalen*total_send_count(1, dst_p - 1)
         sd_disp(dst_p) = sd_disp(dst_p - 1) &
                          + total_send_count(2, dst_p - 1)
         rm_disp(dst_p) = rm_disp(dst_p - 1) &
                          + metalen*total_recv_count(1, dst_p - 1)
         rd_disp(dst_p) = rd_disp(dst_p - 1) &
                          + total_recv_count(2, dst_p - 1)
      END DO
      myt_smp(:) = sm_disp(:)
      myt_sdp(:) = sd_disp(:)
      IF (nthreads .GT. 1) THEN
         all_total_send_offset(1, :) = myt_smp(:) + metalen*myt_total_send_count(1, :)
         all_total_send_offset(2, :) = myt_sdp(:) + myt_total_send_count(2, :)
      END IF
      IF (ithread .GT. 0) THEN
         myt_smp(:) = all_total_send_offset(1, :)
         myt_sdp(:) = all_total_send_offset(2, :)
         all_total_send_offset(1, :) &
            = all_total_send_offset(1, :) + metalen*myt_total_send_count(1, :)
         all_total_send_offset(2, :) &
            = all_total_send_offset(2, :) + myt_total_send_count(2, :)
         CALL dbcsr_data_init(received_data_area)
         received_data_area = recv_data_area
         CALL dbcsr_data_hold(received_data_area)
         DO row_img = 1, nrow_images
            DO col_img = 1, ncol_images
               CALL dbcsr_work_create(ums%mats(row_img, col_img), &
                                      SUM(recv_count(1, row_img, col_img, :)), n=1)
               CALL dbcsr_data_hold(received_data_area)
               CALL dbcsr_data_release(ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%data_area)
               ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%data_area = received_data_area
            END DO
         END DO
      END IF
      ! Add timing call to the packing of the send buffers
      CALL timeset(routineN//"_pack", handle2)
      ! Copies metadata and actual data to be sent into the send buffers.
      CALL dbcsr_iterator_start(iter, ism, shared=.TRUE.)
      SELECT CASE (data_type)
      CASE (dbcsr_type_real_4)
         CALL prepare_buffers_s(sm%negate_real, sm%negate_imaginary, &
                                iter, row, col, blk, blk_p, bp, &
                                row_size, col_size, nze, nsymmetries, symmetry_i, &
                                stored_row, stored_col, tr_row_size, tr_col_size, tr, &
                                row_img, col_img, nrow_images, ncol_images, &
                                row_img_dist, col_img_dist, predist_type_fwd, blacs2mpi, &
                                target_imgdist, prow, pcol, rowi, coli, &
                                row_dist, col_dist, dst_p, sm_pos, myt_smp, metalen, &
                                sd_pos, myt_sdp, send_meta, sd_disp, &
                                dbcsr_get_data_p_s(sm%data_area), &
                                send_data_area, scale_neg_one, scale_value)
      CASE (dbcsr_type_real_8)
         CALL prepare_buffers_d(sm%negate_real, sm%negate_imaginary, &
                                iter, row, col, blk, blk_p, bp, &
                                row_size, col_size, nze, nsymmetries, symmetry_i, &
                                stored_row, stored_col, tr_row_size, tr_col_size, tr, &
                                row_img, col_img, nrow_images, ncol_images, &
                                row_img_dist, col_img_dist, predist_type_fwd, blacs2mpi, &
                                target_imgdist, prow, pcol, rowi, coli, &
                                row_dist, col_dist, dst_p, sm_pos, myt_smp, metalen, &
                                sd_pos, myt_sdp, send_meta, sd_disp, &
                                dbcsr_get_data_p_d(sm%data_area), &
                                send_data_area, scale_neg_one, scale_value)
      CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_4)
         CALL prepare_buffers_c(sm%negate_real, sm%negate_imaginary, &
                                iter, row, col, blk, blk_p, bp, &
                                row_size, col_size, nze, nsymmetries, symmetry_i, &
                                stored_row, stored_col, tr_row_size, tr_col_size, tr, &
                                row_img, col_img, nrow_images, ncol_images, &
                                row_img_dist, col_img_dist, predist_type_fwd, blacs2mpi, &
                                target_imgdist, prow, pcol, rowi, coli, &
                                row_dist, col_dist, dst_p, sm_pos, myt_smp, metalen, &
                                sd_pos, myt_sdp, send_meta, sd_disp, &
                                dbcsr_get_data_p_c(sm%data_area), &
                                send_data_area, scale_neg_one, scale_value)
      CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_8)
         CALL prepare_buffers_z(sm%negate_real, sm%negate_imaginary, &
                                iter, row, col, blk, blk_p, bp, &
                                row_size, col_size, nze, nsymmetries, symmetry_i, &
                                stored_row, stored_col, tr_row_size, tr_col_size, tr, &
                                row_img, col_img, nrow_images, ncol_images, &
                                row_img_dist, col_img_dist, predist_type_fwd, blacs2mpi, &
                                target_imgdist, prow, pcol, rowi, coli, &
                                row_dist, col_dist, dst_p, sm_pos, myt_smp, metalen, &
                                sd_pos, myt_sdp, send_meta, sd_disp, &
                                dbcsr_get_data_p_z(sm%data_area), &
                                send_data_area, scale_neg_one, scale_value)
      CALL dbcsr_iterator_stop(iter)

      ! Deallocate thread private data
      DEALLOCATE (myt_send_count)
      DEALLOCATE (myt_total_send_count)
      DEALLOCATE (myt_smp, myt_sdp)

      CALL timestop(handle2)

      ! Exchange the data and metadata structures. In the interesting cases (square grids, row col distribution same),
      ! there are only very few processors that need to exchange data.
      ! The hybrid_alltoall deals with this by doing point to point communication
      CALL timeset(routineN//"_data", handle2)
      CALL hybrid_alltoall_any(send_data_area, total_send_count(2, :), sd_disp(:) - 1, &
                               recv_data_area, total_recv_count(2, :), rd_disp(:) - 1, &
                               mp_obj, &
                               most_ptp=.TRUE., remainder_ptp=.TRUE., no_hybrid=.FALSE.)
      CALL hybrid_alltoall_i1( &
         send_meta(:), metalen*total_send_count(1, :), sm_disp(:) - 1, &
         recv_meta(:), metalen*total_recv_count(1, :), rm_disp(:) - 1, &
         most_ptp=.TRUE., remainder_ptp=.TRUE., no_hybrid=.FALSE., &
      CALL timestop(handle2)

      ! Now create the work index and/or copy the relevant data from the
      ! receive buffer into the local indices.
      DO src_p = 0, numproc - 1
         DO blk_l = 1, total_recv_count(1, src_p)
            stored_row = recv_meta(rm_disp(src_p) + metalen*(blk_l - 1))
            stored_col = recv_meta(rm_disp(src_p) + metalen*(blk_l - 1) + 1)
            stored_blk_p = recv_meta(rm_disp(src_p) + metalen*(blk_l - 1) + 2)
            row_img = recv_meta(rm_disp(src_p) + metalen*(blk_l - 1) + 3)
            col_img = recv_meta(rm_disp(src_p) + metalen*(blk_l - 1) + 4)
            nze = row_blk_size(stored_row)*col_blk_size(stored_col)
            blk = blks(row_img, col_img)
            blks(row_img, col_img) = blks(row_img, col_img) + 1
            blk_ps(row_img, col_img) = blk_ps(row_img, col_img) + nze
            ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%row_i(blk) = stored_row
            ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%col_i(blk) = stored_col
            ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%blk_p(blk) = &
               SIGN(rd_disp(src_p) + ABS(stored_blk_p) - 1, stored_blk_p)
         END DO
      END DO

      ! Finalize the actual imaged matrices from the work matrices
      DO row_img = 1, nrow_images
         DO col_img = 1, ncol_images
            ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%lastblk = blks(row_img, col_img) - 1
            ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%datasize = blk_ps(row_img, col_img) - 1
            CALL dbcsr_data_set_size_referenced( &
               ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%data_area, &
               ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%wms(1)%datasize)
            IF (nrow_images .EQ. 1 .AND. ncol_images .EQ. 1 .OR. nocopy) THEN
               CALL dbcsr_special_finalize(ums%mats(row_img, col_img), reshuffle=.FALSE.)
               CALL dbcsr_special_finalize(ums%mats(row_img, col_img), reshuffle=.TRUE.)
            END IF

            ! Save the home process and image row and column
            CALL image_calculator(target_imgdist, &
                                  ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%index(dbcsr_slot_home_prow), &
                                  ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%index(dbcsr_slot_home_rowi), &
                                  ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%index(dbcsr_slot_home_pcol), &
                                  ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%index(dbcsr_slot_home_coli), &
                                  vprow=ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%index(dbcsr_slot_home_vprow), &
                                  vpcol=ums%mats(row_img, col_img)%index(dbcsr_slot_home_vpcol), &
                                  myrowi=row_img, mycoli=col_img, &
         END DO
      END DO

      ! Deallocate shared temporary buffers
      DEALLOCATE (send_count, recv_count)
      DEALLOCATE (total_send_count, total_recv_count)
      DEALLOCATE (sdp, smp, sd_disp, sm_disp)
      DEALLOCATE (rd_disp, rm_disp)
      DEALLOCATE (all_total_send_offset)
      DEALLOCATE (blk_ps, blks)
      DEALLOCATE (recv_meta, send_meta)

      CALL dbcsr_data_release(send_data_area)
      CALL dbcsr_data_release(received_data_area)
      CALL dbcsr_data_release(recv_data_area)

      CALL timestop(handle)
   END SUBROUTINE make_images