dbcsr_scalar_type Derived Type

type, public :: dbcsr_scalar_type

Stores a scalar in any of the supported data types.

Reasoning Easier routine interfaces


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=real_4), public :: r_sp = -1.0_real_4

stores real values in single precision

real(kind=real_8), public :: r_dp = -1.0_real_8

stores real values in double precision

complex(kind=real_4), public :: c_sp = (-1.0_real_4, -1.0_real_4)

stores complex values in single precision

complex(kind=real_8), public :: c_dp = (-1.0_real_8, -1.0_real_8)

stores complex values in double precision

integer, public :: data_type = -1

which of the data types is actually used

Source Code

   TYPE dbcsr_scalar_type
      !! Stores a scalar in any of the supported data types.
      !! Reasoning
      !! Easier routine interfaces

      REAL(KIND=real_4)    :: r_sp = -1.0_real_4
         !! stores real values in single precision
      REAL(KIND=real_8)    :: r_dp = -1.0_real_8
         !! stores real values in double precision
      COMPLEX(KIND=real_4) :: c_sp = (-1.0_real_4, -1.0_real_4)
         !! stores complex values in single precision
      COMPLEX(KIND=real_8) :: c_dp = (-1.0_real_8, -1.0_real_8)
         !! stores complex values in double precision
      INTEGER              :: data_type = -1
         !! which of the data types is actually used
   END TYPE dbcsr_scalar_type