dbcsr_logger_would_log Function

public function dbcsr_logger_would_log(logger, level) result(res)

this function can be called to check if the logger would log a message with the given level from the given source you should use this function if you do direct logging (without using dbcsr_logger_log), or if you want to know if the generation of some costly log info is necessary


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_logger_type), POINTER :: logger

the logger you want to log in

integer, intent(in) :: level

describes the of the message: dbcsr_fatal_level(3), dbcsr_failure_level(2), dbcsr_warning_level(1), dbcsr_note_level(0).

Return Value logical

Source Code

   FUNCTION dbcsr_logger_would_log(logger, level) RESULT(res)
      !! this function can be called to check if the logger would log
      !! a message with the given level from the given source
      !! you should use this function if you do direct logging
      !! (without using dbcsr_logger_log), or if you want to know if the generation
      !! of some costly log info is necessary

      TYPE(dbcsr_logger_type), POINTER                   :: logger
         !! the logger you want to log in
      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: level
         !! describes the of the message: dbcsr_fatal_level(3), dbcsr_failure_level(2), dbcsr_warning_level(1), dbcsr_note_level(0).
      LOGICAL                                            :: res

      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'dbcsr_logger_would_log', &
                                     routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN

      TYPE(dbcsr_logger_type), POINTER                   :: lggr

      lggr => logger
      IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(lggr)) lggr => dbcsr_get_default_logger()
      IF (lggr%ref_count < 1) &
         DBCSR_ABORT(routineP//" logger%ref_count<1")

      res = level >= lggr%print_level
   END FUNCTION dbcsr_logger_would_log