dbcsr_logger_type Derived Type

type, public :: dbcsr_logger_type

type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level starting at which level it should be logged (0 note, 1 warning, 2 failure, 3 fatal) it could be expanded with the ability to focus on one or more module/object/thread/processor


This should be private, but as the output functions have been moved to another module and there is no "friend" keyword, they are public. DO NOT USE THE INTERNAL COMPONENTS DIRECTLY!!!


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: id_nr = -1

unique number to identify the logger reference count (see cp2k/doc/ReferenceCounting.html)

integer, public :: ref_count = -1

unique number to identify the logger reference count (see cp2k/doc/ReferenceCounting.html)

integer, public :: print_level = -1

the level starting at which something gets printed

integer, public :: default_local_unit_nr = -1

default unit for local logging (-1 if not yet initialized). Local logging guarantee to each task its own file.

integer, public :: default_global_unit_nr = -1

default unit for global logging (-1 if not yet initialized). This unit is valid only on the processor with %mp_env%mp%mynode==%mv_env%mp%source.

logical, public :: close_local_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.

if the local unit should be closed when this logger is deallocated whether the global unit should be closed when this logger is deallocated

logical, public :: close_global_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.

if the local unit should be closed when this logger is deallocated whether the global unit should be closed when this logger is deallocated

character(len=default_string_length), public :: suffix = ""

a short string that is used as suffix in all the filenames created by this logger. Can be used to guarantee the uniqueness of generated filename

character(len=default_path_length), public :: local_filename = ""

the root of the name of the file used for local logging (can be different from the name of the file corresponding to default_local_unit_nr, only the one used if the unit needs to be opened) the root of the name of the file used for global logging (can be different from the name of the file corresponding to default_global_unit_nr, only the one used if the unit needs to be opened)

character(len=default_path_length), public :: global_filename = ""

the root of the name of the file used for local logging (can be different from the name of the file corresponding to default_local_unit_nr, only the one used if the unit needs to be opened) the root of the name of the file used for global logging (can be different from the name of the file corresponding to default_global_unit_nr, only the one used if the unit needs to be opened)

type(dbcsr_mp_obj), public :: mp_env = dbcsr_mp_obj()

the parallel environment for the output.

type(dbcsr_iteration_info_type), public, POINTER :: iter_info => NULL()

Source Code

   TYPE dbcsr_logger_type
      !! type of a logger, at the moment it contains just a print level
      !! starting at which level it should be logged
      !! (0 note, 1 warning, 2 failure, 3 fatal)
      !! it could be expanded with the ability to focus on one or more
      !! module/object/thread/processor
      !! @note
      !! This should be private, but as the output functions have been
      !! moved to another module and there is no "friend" keyword, they
      !! are public.

      INTEGER :: id_nr = -1, ref_count = -1
         !! unique number to identify the logger
         !! reference count (see cp2k/doc/ReferenceCounting.html)
      INTEGER :: print_level = -1
         !! the level starting at which something gets printed
      INTEGER :: default_local_unit_nr = -1
         !! default unit for local logging (-1 if not yet initialized). Local logging guarantee to each task its own file.
      INTEGER :: default_global_unit_nr = -1
         !! default unit for global logging (-1 if not yet initialized). This unit is valid only on the processor with
         !! %mp_env%mp%mynode==%mv_env%mp%source.
      LOGICAL :: close_local_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE., close_global_unit_on_dealloc = .FALSE.
         !! if the local unit should be closed when this logger is deallocated
         !! whether the global unit should be closed when this logger is deallocated
      CHARACTER(len=default_string_length)  :: suffix = ""
         !! a short string that is used as suffix in all the filenames created by this logger. Can be used to guarantee the
         !! uniqueness of generated filename
      CHARACTER(len=default_path_length)    :: local_filename = "", global_filename = ""
         !! the root of the name of the file used for local logging (can be different from the name of the file corresponding to
         !! default_local_unit_nr, only the one used if the unit needs to be opened)
         !! the root of the name of the file used for global logging (can be different from the name of the file corresponding to
         !! default_global_unit_nr, only the one used if the unit needs to be opened)
      TYPE(dbcsr_mp_obj)                    :: mp_env = dbcsr_mp_obj()
         !! the parallel environment for the output.
      TYPE(dbcsr_iteration_info_type), POINTER :: iter_info => NULL()
   END TYPE dbcsr_logger_type