dbcsr_logger_get_unit_nr Function

public function dbcsr_logger_get_unit_nr(logger, local) result(res)

returns the unit nr for the requested kind of log.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_logger_type), POINTER :: logger

the logger you want to log in

logical, intent(in), optional :: local

if true returns a local logger (one per task), otherwise returns a global logger (only the process with mp_env%mp%mynode== mp_env%mp%source should write to the global logger). Defaults to false

Return Value integer

Source Code

   FUNCTION dbcsr_logger_get_unit_nr(logger, local) RESULT(res)
      !! returns the unit nr for the requested kind of log.

      TYPE(dbcsr_logger_type), POINTER                   :: logger
         !! the logger you want to log in
      LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL                      :: local
         !! if true returns a local logger (one per task), otherwise returns a global logger (only the process with
         !! mp_env%mp%mynode== mp_env%mp%source should write to the global logger). Defaults to false
      INTEGER                                            :: res

      res = dbcsr_logger_get_default_unit_nr(logger, local=local)
   END FUNCTION dbcsr_logger_get_unit_nr