releases the given timer env
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(timer_env_type), | POINTER | :: | timer_env |
the timer env to release |
SUBROUTINE timer_env_release(timer_env) !! releases the given timer env TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env !! the timer env to release INTEGER :: i TYPE(dict_i4tuple_callstat_item_type), & DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ct_items TYPE(routine_stat_type), POINTER :: r_stat IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(timer_env)) & DBCSR_ABORT("timer_env_release: not associated") IF (timer_env%ref_count < 0) & DBCSR_ABORT("timer_env_release: negative ref_count") timer_env%ref_count = timer_env%ref_count - 1 IF (timer_env%ref_count > 0) RETURN ! No more references left - let's tear down this timer_env... DO i = 1, list_size(timer_env%routine_stats) r_stat => list_get(timer_env%routine_stats, i) DEALLOCATE (r_stat) END DO ct_items => dict_items(timer_env%callgraph) DO i = 1, SIZE(ct_items) DEALLOCATE (ct_items(i)%value) END DO DEALLOCATE (ct_items) CALL dict_destroy(timer_env%routine_names) CALL dict_destroy(timer_env%callgraph) CALL list_destroy(timer_env%callstack) CALL list_destroy(timer_env%routine_stats) DEALLOCATE (timer_env) END SUBROUTINE timer_env_release