Internal routine used by timeset_handler and timings_setup_tracing. If no routine with given name is found in timer_env%routine_names then a new entry is created.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=default_string_length), | intent(in) | :: | routineN |
FUNCTION routine_name2id(routineN) RESULT(routine_id) !! Internal routine used by timeset_handler and timings_setup_tracing. !! If no routine with given name is found in timer_env%routine_names !! then a new entry is created. CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length), INTENT(IN) :: routineN INTEGER :: routine_id INTEGER :: stat TYPE(routine_stat_type), POINTER :: r_stat TYPE(timer_env_type), POINTER :: timer_env timer_env => list_peek(timers_stack) routine_id = dict_get(timer_env%routine_names, routineN, default_value=-1) IF (routine_id /= -1) RETURN ! found an id - let's return it ! routine not found - let's create it ! enforce space free timer names, to make the output of trace/timings of a fixed number fields IF (INDEX(routineN(1:LEN_TRIM(routineN)), ' ') /= 0) THEN DBCSR_ABORT("timings_name2id: routineN contains spaces: "//routineN) END IF ! register routine_name_dsl with new routine_id routine_id = dict_size(timer_env%routine_names) + 1 CALL dict_set(timer_env%routine_names, routineN, routine_id) ALLOCATE (r_stat, stat=stat) IF (stat /= 0) & DBCSR_ABORT("timings_name2id: allocation failed") r_stat%routine_id = routine_id r_stat%routineN = routineN r_stat%active_calls = 0 r_stat%excl_walltime_accu = 0.0_dp r_stat%incl_walltime_accu = 0.0_dp r_stat%excl_energy_accu = 0.0_dp r_stat%incl_energy_accu = 0.0_dp r_stat%total_calls = 0 r_stat%stackdepth_accu = 0 r_stat%trace = .FALSE. CALL list_push(timer_env%routine_stats, r_stat) IF (list_size(timer_env%routine_stats) /= dict_size(timer_env%routine_names)) & DBCSR_ABORT("timings_name2id: assertion failed") END FUNCTION routine_name2id