rebin_imaged_distribution Subroutine

private subroutine rebin_imaged_distribution(new_bins, images, source_bins, source_images, nbins, multiplicity, nimages)

Makes new distribution with multiplicity

Definition of multiplicity and nimages Multiplicity and number of images are used to match process grid coordinates on non-square process grids. Given source_nbins and target_nbins, their relation is source_nbins * multiplicity = target_nbins * nimages. It is best when both multiplicity and nimages are small. To get these two factors, then, one can use the following formulas: nimages = lcm(source_nbins, target_nbins) / target_nbins multiplicity = target_nbins / gcd(source_nbins, target_nbins)

Mapping The new distribution comprises of real bins and images within bins. These can be view as target_nbinsnimages virtual columns. These same virtual columns are also source_nbinsmultiplicity in number. Therefore these virtual columns are mapped from source_nbinsmultiplicity onto target_binsnimages (each target bin has nimages images): Source 4: |1 2 3|4 5 6|7 8 9|A B C| (43) Target 6: |1 2|3 4|5 6|7 8|9 A|B C| (62) multiplicity=3, nimages=2, 12 virtual columns (1-C). Source bin elements are evenly mapped into one of multiplicity virtual columns. Other (non-even, block-size aware) mappings could be better.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(out), DIMENSION(:) :: new_bins

new real distribution new image distribution

integer, intent(out), DIMENSION(:) :: images

new real distribution new image distribution

integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:) :: source_bins

Basis for the new distribution and images Basis for the new distribution and images

integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:) :: source_images

Basis for the new distribution and images Basis for the new distribution and images

integer, intent(in) :: nbins

number of bins in the new real distribution multiplicity number of images in the new distribution

integer, intent(in) :: multiplicity

number of bins in the new real distribution multiplicity number of images in the new distribution

integer, intent(in) :: nimages

number of bins in the new real distribution multiplicity number of images in the new distribution

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE rebin_imaged_distribution(new_bins, images, &
                                        source_bins, source_images, nbins, multiplicity, nimages)
      !! Makes new distribution with multiplicity
      !! Definition of multiplicity and nimages
      !! Multiplicity and number of images are used to match process
      !! grid coordinates on non-square process grids. Given
      !! source_nbins and target_nbins, their relation is
      !! source_nbins * multiplicity = target_nbins * nimages.
      !! It is best when both multiplicity and nimages are small. To
      !! get these two factors, then, one can use the following formulas:
      !! nimages      = lcm(source_nbins, target_nbins) / target_nbins
      !! multiplicity = target_nbins / gcd(source_nbins, target_nbins)
      !! Mapping
      !! The new distribution comprises of real bins and images within
      !! bins. These can be view as target_nbins*nimages virtual
      !! columns. These same virtual columns are also
      !! source_nbins*multiplicity in number. Therefore these virtual
      !! columns are mapped from source_nbins*multiplicity onto
      !! target_bins*nimages (each target bin has nimages images):
      !! Source 4: |1 2 3|4 5 6|7 8 9|A B C| (4*3)
      !! Target 6: |1 2|3 4|5 6|7 8|9 A|B C| (6*2)
      !! multiplicity=3, nimages=2, 12 virtual columns (1-C).
      !! Source bin elements are evenly mapped into one of multiplicity
      !! virtual columns. Other (non-even, block-size aware) mappings
      !! could be better.

      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT)                 :: new_bins, images
         !! new real distribution
         !! new image distribution
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: source_bins, source_images
         !! Basis for the new distribution and images
         !! Basis for the new distribution and images
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: nbins, multiplicity, nimages
         !! number of bins in the new real distribution
         !! multiplicity
         !! number of images in the new distribution

      INTEGER                                            :: i, virtual_bin

!   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      DO i = 1, SIZE(new_bins)
         IF (i .LE. SIZE(source_bins)) THEN
            virtual_bin = source_bins(i)*multiplicity + source_images(i) - 1
            ! Fill remainder with a cyclic distribution
            virtual_bin = MOD(i, nbins*nimages)
         END IF
         new_bins(i) = virtual_bin/nimages
         images(i) = 1 + MOD(virtual_bin, nimages)
         IF (new_bins(i) .GE. nbins) &
            DBCSR_ABORT("Wrong bin calculation")
         IF (images(i) .GT. nimages) &
            DBCSR_ABORT("Wrong image calculation")
      END DO
   END SUBROUTINE rebin_imaged_distribution