mp_type_size Subroutine

public subroutine mp_type_size(type_descriptor, type_size)

Returns the size of a data type in bytes

MPI mapping mpi_type_size


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(mp_type_descriptor_type), intent(in) :: type_descriptor

data type

integer, intent(out) :: type_size

size of the data type

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE mp_type_size(type_descriptor, type_size)
      !! Returns the size of a data type in bytes
      !! MPI mapping
      !! mpi_type_size

      TYPE(mp_type_descriptor_type), INTENT(IN)          :: type_descriptor
         !! data type
      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                               :: type_size
         !! size of the data type

#if defined(__parallel)
      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mp_type_size'
      INTEGER                                            :: ierr

      ierr = 0
      CALL MPI_TYPE_SIZE(type_descriptor%type_handle, type_size, ierr)
      IF (ierr .NE. 0) &
         DBCSR_ABORT("mpi_type_size @ "//routineN)
      SELECT CASE (type_descriptor%type_handle)
      CASE (1)
         type_size = real_4_size
      CASE (3)
         type_size = real_8_size
      CASE (5)
         type_size = 2*real_4_size
      CASE (7)
         type_size = 2*real_8_size
   END SUBROUTINE mp_type_size