mp_testall_tv Function

private function mp_testall_tv(requests) result(flag)

Tests for completion of the given requests. We use mpi_test so that we can use a single status.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(mp_request_type), DIMENSION(:) :: requests

the list of requests to test

Return Value logical

logical which determines if requests are complete

Source Code

   FUNCTION mp_testall_tv(requests) RESULT(flag)
      !! Tests for completion of the given requests.
      !! We use mpi_test so that we can use a single status.

      TYPE(mp_request_type), DIMENSION(:)   :: requests
         !! the list of requests to test
      LOGICAL                               :: flag
         !! logical which determines if requests are complete

      INTEGER                               :: ierr

#if defined(__parallel)
      INTEGER                               :: i

      ierr = 0
      flag = .TRUE.

#if defined(__parallel)
      ALLOCATE (flags(SIZE(requests)))
      DO i = 1, SIZE(requests)
         CALL mpi_test(requests(i)%handle, flags(i), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr)
         IF (ierr /= 0) CALL mp_stop(ierr, "mpi_test @ mp_testall_tv")
         flag = flag .AND. flags(i)
      END DO
      DEALLOCATE (flags)
      requests = mp_request_null
   END FUNCTION mp_testall_tv