mp_file_get_position Subroutine

public subroutine mp_file_get_position(fh, pos)

Returns the file position

MPI-I/O mapping mpi_file_get_position



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(mp_file_type), intent(in) :: fh

file handle (file storage unit)

integer(kind=file_offset), intent(out) :: pos

the file position

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE mp_file_get_position(fh, pos)
      !! Returns the file position
      !! MPI-I/O mapping   mpi_file_get_position
      !! STREAM-I/O mapping   INQUIRE

      TYPE(mp_file_type), INTENT(IN)                     :: fh
         !! file handle (file storage unit)
      INTEGER(kind=file_offset), INTENT(OUT)             :: pos
         !! the file position

      INTEGER                                            :: ierr

      ierr = 0
#if defined(__parallel)
      CALL mpi_file_set_errhandler(fh%handle, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN, ierr)
      CALL mpi_file_get_position(fh%handle, pos, ierr)
      IF (ierr .NE. 0) CALL mp_stop(ierr, "mpi_file_set_errhandler @ mp_file_get_position")
      INQUIRE (UNIT=fh%handle, POS=pos)
   END SUBROUTINE mp_file_get_position