mp_comm_split Subroutine

public subroutine mp_comm_split(comm, sub_comm, ngroups, group_distribution, subgroup_min_size, n_subgroups, group_partition, stride)

splits the given communicator in group in subgroups trying to organize them in a way that the communication within each subgroup is efficient (but not necessarily the communication between subgroups)


at least one of subgroup_min_size and n_subgroups is needed, the other default to the value needed to use most processors. if less cpus are present than needed for subgroup min size, n_subgroups, just one comm is created that contains all cpus


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(mp_comm_type), intent(in) :: comm

the mpi communicator that you want to split

type(mp_comm_type), intent(out) :: sub_comm

the communicator for the subgroup (created, needs to be freed later)

integer, intent(out) :: ngroups

actual number of groups

integer, DIMENSION(0:) :: group_distribution

input : allocated with array with the nprocs entries (0 .. nprocs-1)

integer, intent(in), optional :: subgroup_min_size

the minimum size of the subgroup the number of subgroups wanted

integer, intent(in), optional :: n_subgroups

the minimum size of the subgroup the number of subgroups wanted

integer, optional, DIMENSION(0:) :: group_partition

n_subgroups sized array containing the number of cpus wanted per group. should match the total number of cpus (only used if present and associated) (0..ngroups-1)

integer, optional :: stride

create groups using a stride (default=1) through the ranks of the comm to be split.

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE mp_comm_split(comm, sub_comm, ngroups, group_distribution, &
                            subgroup_min_size, n_subgroups, group_partition, stride)
      !! splits the given communicator in group in subgroups trying to organize
      !! them in a way that the communication within each subgroup is
      !! efficient (but not necessarily the communication between subgroups)
      !! @note
      !! at least one of subgroup_min_size and n_subgroups is needed,
      !! the other default to the value needed to use most processors.
      !! if less cpus are present than needed for subgroup min size, n_subgroups,
      !! just one comm is created that contains all cpus

      TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(in)                      :: comm
         !! the mpi communicator that you want to split
      TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(out)                     :: sub_comm
         !! the communicator for the subgroup (created, needs to be freed later)
      INTEGER, INTENT(out)                     :: ngroups
         !! actual number of groups
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(0:)                   :: group_distribution
         !! input  : allocated with array with the nprocs entries (0 .. nprocs-1)
      INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL            :: subgroup_min_size, n_subgroups
         !! the minimum size of the subgroup
         !! the number of subgroups wanted
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(0:), OPTIONAL         :: group_partition
         !! n_subgroups sized array containing the number of cpus wanted per group. should match the total number of cpus (only used
         !! if present and associated) (0..ngroups-1)
      INTEGER, OPTIONAL                        :: stride
         !! create groups using a stride (default=1) through the ranks of the comm to be split.

      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mp_comm_split', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN

      INTEGER                                  :: handle, ierr, mepos, nnodes
#if defined(__parallel)
      INTEGER                                  :: color, i, j, k, &
                                                  my_subgroup_min_size, &
                                                  istride, local_stride, irank
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE       :: rank_permutation

      ierr = 0
      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)

      ! actual number of groups

      IF (.NOT. PRESENT(subgroup_min_size) .AND. .NOT. PRESENT(n_subgroups)) THEN
         DBCSR_ABORT(routineP//" missing arguments")
      END IF
      IF (PRESENT(subgroup_min_size) .AND. PRESENT(n_subgroups)) THEN
         DBCSR_ABORT(routineP//" too many arguments")
      END IF

      CALL mp_environ(nnodes, mepos, comm)

      IF (UBOUND(group_distribution, 1) .NE. nnodes - 1) THEN
         DBCSR_ABORT(routineP//" group_distribution wrong bounds")
      END IF

#if defined(__parallel)
      IF (PRESENT(subgroup_min_size)) THEN
         IF (subgroup_min_size < 0 .OR. subgroup_min_size > nnodes) THEN
            DBCSR_ABORT(routineP//" subgroup_min_size too small or too large")
         END IF
         ngroups = nnodes/subgroup_min_size
         my_subgroup_min_size = subgroup_min_size
      ELSE ! n_subgroups
         IF (n_subgroups <= 0) THEN
            DBCSR_ABORT(routineP//" n_subgroups too small")
         END IF
         IF (nnodes/n_subgroups > 0) THEN ! we have a least one cpu per group
            ngroups = n_subgroups
         ELSE ! well, only one group then
            ngroups = 1
         END IF
         my_subgroup_min_size = nnodes/ngroups
      END IF

      ! rank_permutation: is a permutation of ranks, so that groups are not necessarily continuous in rank of the master group
      ! while the order is not critical (we only color ranks), it can e.g. be used to make groups that have just 1 rank per node
      ! (by setting stride equal to the number of mpi ranks per node), or by sharing  a node between two groups (stride 2).
      ALLOCATE (rank_permutation(0:nnodes - 1))
      local_stride = 1
      IF (PRESENT(stride)) local_stride = stride
      k = 0
      DO istride = 1, local_stride
         DO irank = istride - 1, nnodes - 1, local_stride
            rank_permutation(k) = irank
            k = k + 1
         END DO
      END DO

      DO i = 0, nnodes - 1
         group_distribution(rank_permutation(i)) = MIN(i/my_subgroup_min_size, ngroups - 1)
      END DO
      ! even the user gave a partition, see if we can use it to overwrite this choice
      IF (PRESENT(group_partition)) THEN
         IF (ALL(group_partition > 0) .AND. (SUM(group_partition) .EQ. nnodes) .AND. (ngroups == SIZE(group_partition))) THEN
            k = 0
            DO i = 0, SIZE(group_partition) - 1
               DO j = 1, group_partition(i)
                  group_distribution(rank_permutation(k)) = i
                  k = k + 1
               END DO
            END DO
            ! just ignore silently as we have reasonable defaults. Probably a warning would not be to bad
         END IF
      END IF
      color = group_distribution(mepos)
      CALL mpi_comm_split(comm%handle, color, 0, sub_comm%handle, ierr)
      debug_comm_count = debug_comm_count + 1
      IF (ierr /= mpi_success) CALL mp_stop(ierr, "in "//routineP//" split")
      CALL mp_comm_dup(comm, sub_comm)
      group_distribution(0) = 0
      ngroups = 1
      CALL timestop(handle)

   END SUBROUTINE mp_comm_split