mp_cart_create Subroutine

public subroutine mp_cart_create(comm_old, ndims, dims, pos, comm_cart)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(mp_comm_type), intent(in) :: comm_old
integer, intent(in) :: ndims
integer, intent(inout), CONTIGUOUS :: dims(:)
integer, intent(out), CONTIGUOUS :: pos(:)
type(mp_comm_type), intent(out) :: comm_cart

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE mp_cart_create(comm_old, ndims, dims, pos, comm_cart)

      TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(IN)           :: comm_old
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                      :: ndims
      INTEGER, CONTIGUOUS, INTENT(INOUT)       :: dims(:)
      INTEGER, CONTIGUOUS, INTENT(OUT)         :: pos(:)
      TYPE(mp_comm_type), INTENT(OUT)                     :: comm_cart

      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mp_cart_create'

      INTEGER                                  :: handle, ierr, nodes
#if defined(__parallel)
      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(1:ndims)              :: period
      LOGICAL                                  :: reorder

      ierr = 0
      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)

      nodes = 0
      pos(1:ndims) = -1
      comm_cart = comm_old
#if defined(__parallel)

      CALL mpi_comm_size(comm_old%handle, nodes, ierr)
      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL mp_stop(ierr, "mpi_comm_size @ "//routineN)

      IF (ANY(dims == 0)) CALL mpi_dims_create(nodes, ndims, dims, ierr)
      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL mp_stop(ierr, "mpi_dims_create @ "//routineN)

      ! FIX ME.  Quick hack to avoid problems with realspace grids for compilers
      ! like IBM that actually reorder the processors when creating the new
      ! communicator
      reorder = .FALSE.
      period = .TRUE.
      CALL mpi_cart_create(comm_old%handle, ndims, dims, period, reorder, comm_cart%handle, &
      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL mp_stop(ierr, "mpi_cart_create @ "//routineN)

      IF (comm_cart /= MP_COMM_NULL) THEN
         debug_comm_count = debug_comm_count + 1
         CALL mpi_cart_get(comm_cart%handle, ndims, dims, period, pos, ierr)
         IF (ierr /= 0) CALL mp_stop(ierr, "mpi_cart_get @ "//routineN)
      END IF
      pos(1:ndims) = 0
      dims = 1
      comm_cart = mp_comm_self
      CALL timestop(handle)

   END SUBROUTINE mp_cart_create