Creates a distribution for threads
Presence of row_sizes When row_sizes is present then the thread distribution attempts to distribute rows to threads such that the sum of delegated row sizes is approximately matched for all rows. When row_sizes is not present then a random distribution is chosen.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(dbcsr_distribution_obj), | POINTER | :: | dist |
Add thread distribution to this distribution |
integer, | intent(in), | optional, | DIMENSION(:) | :: | row_sizes |
row block sizes |
SUBROUTINE make_threads(dist, row_sizes) !! Creates a distribution for threads !! !! Presence of row_sizes !! When row_sizes is present then the thread distribution !! attempts to distribute rows to threads such that the sum of !! delegated row sizes is approximately matched for all rows. !! When row_sizes is not present then a random distribution is chosen. TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_obj), POINTER :: dist !! Add thread distribution to this distribution INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: row_sizes !! row block sizes INTEGER :: block_size, block_size0, cur_block, & group_size, i, last_row, nlrows, & nrows, nthreads, row, t, t_cnt INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: reorder, sorted_row_sizes INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: lrows, td LOGICAL :: assigned, found REAL(kind=sp) :: load_fraction, rn, soft_thr TYPE(dbcsr_heap_type) :: t_heap ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- nthreads = 1 !$ nthreads = OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS() !$ IF (dist%d%num_threads /= nthreads) & !$ DBCSR_ABORT("Thread number has changed") nrows = dbcsr_distribution_nrows(dist) nlrows = dbcsr_distribution_nlocal_rows(dist) lrows => dbcsr_distribution_local_rows(dist) !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP MASTER load_fraction = REAL(dbcsr_cfg%comm_thread_load%val)/100.0 IF (nthreads == 1) load_fraction = 1.0 IF (.NOT. dist%d%has_thread_dist) THEN dist%d%num_threads = nthreads group_size = 0; cur_block = 0 ALLOCATE (td(nrows)) dist%d%has_thread_dist = .TRUE. CALL array_new(dist%d%thread_dist, td, gift=.TRUE.) td => array_data(dist%d%thread_dist) IF (PRESENT(row_sizes)) THEN ! The goal is to distribute rows to threads as equally as ! possible. The row sizes are first sorted. Each group of ! equally sized rows (group_size rows of size cur_block) is ! distributed to threads (keeping consecutive rows ! together). The group is divided into equally-sized blocks ! (block_size0, block_size). Leftover rows (those that can ! not be equally distributed to threads) are then assigned ! to threads so that each thread's cumulative load attempts ! to be equal. This distribution is achieved using a heap. ! ! The heap is used to distribute "leftover"rows to threads. ! Leftover rows are those of the same size that can not be ! evenly distributed among all threads. CALL dbcsr_heap_new(t_heap, nthreads - 1) ! We do not want thread 0 to be in the heap. CALL dbcsr_heap_fill(t_heap, (/(0, i=1, nthreads - 1)/)) ALLOCATE (sorted_row_sizes(nrows)) ALLOCATE (reorder(nrows)) sorted_row_sizes(:) = row_sizes(:) CALL sort(sorted_row_sizes, nrows, reorder) row = 1 DO WHILE (row .LE. nrows) cur_block = sorted_row_sizes(nrows - row + 1) assigned = .FALSE. group_size = 0 last_row = nrows - row + 1 DO i = last_row, 1, -1 IF (cur_block == sorted_row_sizes(i)) THEN group_size = group_size + 1 row = row + 1 ELSE EXIT END IF END DO soft_thr = load_fraction + nthreads - 1 block_size0 = INT(load_fraction*(group_size/soft_thr)) block_size = INT(group_size/soft_thr) !blocks for master thread IF (block_size0 > 0) & td(reorder(last_row:last_row - block_size0 + 1:-1)) = 0 !Other threads IF (block_size > 0) THEN DO t = 1, nthreads - 1 td(reorder(last_row - block_size0 - (t - 1)*block_size: & last_row - block_size0 - (t)*block_size + 1:-1)) = t END DO END IF !Leftover bocks DO i = last_row - block_size0 - (nthreads - 1)*block_size, last_row + 1 - group_size, -1 CALL dbcsr_heap_get_first(t_heap, t, t_cnt, found) t_cnt = t_cnt + cur_block CALL dbcsr_heap_reset_first(t_heap, t_cnt) td(reorder(i)) = t END DO END DO CALL dbcsr_heap_release(t_heap) DEALLOCATE (sorted_row_sizes) DEALLOCATE (reorder) ELSE DO t = 1, nrows IF (.FALSE.) THEN td(t) = MOD(t - 1, nthreads) ELSE CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(rn) ! Makes sure the numbers are in the proper integer range. td(t) = MOD(INT(rn*REAL(nthreads)), nthreads) END IF END DO END IF END IF !$OMP END MASTER END SUBROUTINE make_threads