get_rank3D Function

private pure function get_rank3D(myprow, mypcol, nprows, side3D)

Return the rank of the 3D layer (3D communicator for C), Column-major order


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: myprow
integer, intent(in) :: mypcol
integer, intent(in) :: nprows
integer, intent(in) :: side3D

Return Value integer

Source Code

   PURE FUNCTION get_rank3D(myprow, mypcol, nprows, side3D)
      !! Return the rank of the 3D layer (3D communicator for C), Column-major order
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: myprow, mypcol, nprows, side3D
      INTEGER                                            :: get_rank3D

      get_rank3D = myprow/side3D + (nprows/side3D)*(mypcol/side3D)
   END FUNCTION get_rank3D