dbcsr_real_dp_to_string Function

private function dbcsr_real_dp_to_string(val) result(res)

convert a double precision real in a string (should be a variable length string, but that does not work with all the compilers)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: val

the number to convert

Return Value character(len=11)

Source Code

   FUNCTION dbcsr_real_dp_to_string(val) RESULT(res)
      !! convert a double precision real in a string
      !! (should be a variable length string, but that does not work with
      !! all the compilers)

      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(in)                          :: val
         !! the number to convert
      CHARACTER(len=11)                                  :: res

      WRITE (res, '(es11.4)') val
   END FUNCTION dbcsr_real_dp_to_string