dbcsr_iterator_next_block_index Subroutine

private subroutine dbcsr_iterator_next_block_index(iterator, row, column, blk, blk_p)

Gets the index information of the next block, no data.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_iterator_type), intent(inout) :: iterator

the iterator

integer, intent(out) :: row

row of the data block column of the data block block number

integer, intent(out) :: column

row of the data block column of the data block block number

integer, intent(out) :: blk

row of the data block column of the data block block number

integer, intent(out), optional :: blk_p

index into block data array

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE dbcsr_iterator_next_block_index(iterator, row, column, blk, blk_p)
      !! Gets the index information of the next block, no data.

      TYPE(dbcsr_iterator_type), INTENT(INOUT)           :: iterator
      !! the iterator
      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                               :: row, column, blk
      !! row of the data block
      !! column of the data block
      !! block number
      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL                     :: blk_p
      !! index into block data array

      CALL dbcsr_iterator_next_block_prv(iterator%prv, row=row, column=column, blk=blk, blk_p=blk_p)
   END SUBROUTINE dbcsr_iterator_next_block_index