Initialize the DBCSR library Prepares the DBCSR library for use.
SUBROUTINE dbcsr_init_lib_low() !! Initialize the DBCSR library !! Prepares the DBCSR library for use. CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'dbcsr_init_lib_low' INTEGER :: error_handle CALL timeset(routineN, error_handle) ! IF (int_1_size /= 1) & DBCSR_ABORT("Incorrect assumption of an 8-bit integer size!") IF (int_2_size /= 2) & DBCSR_ABORT("Incorrect assumption of a 16-bit integer size!") IF (int_4_size /= 4) & DBCSR_ABORT("Incorrect assumption of a 32-bit integer size!") IF (int_8_size /= 8) & DBCSR_ABORT("Incorrect assumption of a 64-bit integer size!") IF (.NOT. has_mp_perf_env()) THEN CALL add_mp_perf_env() END IF !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) CALL dbcsr_multiply_lib_init() !$OMP END PARALLEL is_initialized = .TRUE. CALL timestop(error_handle) END SUBROUTINE dbcsr_init_lib_low