Dot product of DBCSR matrices
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(dbcsr_type), | intent(in) | :: | matrix_a |
DBCSR matrices DBCSR matrices |
type(dbcsr_type), | intent(in) | :: | matrix_b |
DBCSR matrices DBCSR matrices |
real(kind=real_4), | intent(inout) | :: | trace |
the trace of the product of the matrices |
SUBROUTINE dbcsr_dot_s (matrix_a, matrix_b, trace) !! Dot product of DBCSR matrices TYPE(dbcsr_type), INTENT(IN) :: matrix_a, matrix_b !! DBCSR matrices !! DBCSR matrices REAL(kind=real_4), INTENT(INOUT) :: trace !! the trace of the product of the matrices INTEGER :: a_blk, a_col, a_col_size, a_row_size, b_blk, b_col_size, & b_frst_blk, b_last_blk, b_row_size, nze, row, a_beg, a_end, b_beg, b_end CHARACTER :: matrix_a_type, matrix_b_type INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: a_col_blk_size, & a_row_blk_size, & b_col_blk_size, b_row_blk_size REAL(kind=real_4) :: sym_fac, fac LOGICAL :: found, matrix_a_symm, matrix_b_symm REAL(kind=real_4), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: a_data, b_data ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (matrix_a%replication_type .NE. dbcsr_repl_none & .OR. matrix_b%replication_type .NE. dbcsr_repl_none) & DBCSR_ABORT("Trace of product of replicated matrices not yet possible.") sym_fac = REAL(1.0, real_4) matrix_a_type = dbcsr_get_matrix_type(matrix_a) matrix_b_type = dbcsr_get_matrix_type(matrix_b) matrix_a_symm = matrix_a_type == dbcsr_type_symmetric .OR. matrix_a_type == dbcsr_type_antisymmetric matrix_b_symm = matrix_b_type == dbcsr_type_symmetric .OR. matrix_b_type == dbcsr_type_antisymmetric IF (matrix_a_symm .AND. matrix_b_symm) sym_fac = REAL(2.0, real_4) ! tracing a symmetric with a general matrix is not implemented, as it would require communication of blocks IF (matrix_a_symm .NEQV. matrix_b_symm) & DBCSR_ABORT("Tracing general with symmetric matrix NYI") a_row_blk_size => array_data(matrix_a%row_blk_size) a_col_blk_size => array_data(matrix_a%col_blk_size) b_row_blk_size => array_data(matrix_b%row_blk_size) b_col_blk_size => array_data(matrix_b%col_blk_size) CALL dbcsr_get_data(matrix_a%data_area, a_data) CALL dbcsr_get_data(matrix_b%data_area, b_data) ! let's go trace = REAL(0.0, real_4) IF (matrix_a%nblkrows_total .NE. matrix_b%nblkrows_total) & DBCSR_ABORT("this combination of transpose is NYI") DO row = 1, matrix_a%nblkrows_total a_row_size = a_row_blk_size(row) b_row_size = b_row_blk_size(row) IF (a_row_size .NE. b_row_size) DBCSR_ABORT("matrices not consistent") b_blk = matrix_b%row_p(row) + 1 b_frst_blk = matrix_b%row_p(row) + 1 b_last_blk = matrix_b%row_p(row + 1) DO a_blk = matrix_a%row_p(row) + 1, matrix_a%row_p(row + 1) IF (matrix_a%blk_p(a_blk) .EQ. 0) CYCLE ! Deleted block a_col = matrix_a%col_i(a_blk) a_col_size = a_col_blk_size(a_col) ! ! find the b_blk we assume here that the columns are ordered ! CALL dbcsr_find_column(a_col, b_frst_blk, b_last_blk, matrix_b%col_i, & matrix_b%blk_p, b_blk, found) IF (found) THEN b_col_size = b_col_blk_size(a_col) IF (a_col_size .NE. b_col_size) DBCSR_ABORT("matrices not consistent") ! nze = a_row_size*a_col_size ! IF (nze .GT. 0) THEN ! ! let's trace the blocks a_beg = ABS(matrix_a%blk_p(a_blk)) a_end = a_beg + nze - 1 b_beg = ABS(matrix_b%blk_p(b_blk)) b_end = b_beg + nze - 1 fac = REAL(1.0, real_4) IF (row .NE. a_col) fac = sym_fac trace = trace + fac*SUM(a_data(a_beg:a_end)*b_data(b_beg:b_end)) END IF END IF END DO ! a_col END DO ! a_row ! ! sum CALL mp_sum(trace, dbcsr_mp_group(dbcsr_distribution_mp(matrix_a%dist))) END SUBROUTINE dbcsr_dot_s