Redistributes data blocks of a DBCSR matrix read from a file. This routine should be used with dbcsr_binary_read in the module dbcsr_io.F
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(dbcsr_data_obj), | intent(in) | :: | dblk |
data blocks of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file |
integer, | intent(in), | DIMENSION(:), POINTER | :: | row_p |
row_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file col_i of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file blk_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file 1D array holding nblks of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment 1D array holding data_area_size of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment |
integer, | intent(in), | DIMENSION(:), POINTER | :: | col_i |
row_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file col_i of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file blk_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file 1D array holding nblks of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment 1D array holding data_area_size of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment |
integer, | intent(in), | DIMENSION(:), POINTER | :: | blk_p |
row_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file col_i of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file blk_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file 1D array holding nblks of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment 1D array holding data_area_size of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment |
integer, | intent(in), | DIMENSION(:), POINTER | :: | proc_nblks |
row_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file col_i of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file blk_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file 1D array holding nblks of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment 1D array holding data_area_size of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment |
integer, | intent(in), | DIMENSION(:), POINTER | :: | proc_darea_sizes |
row_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file col_i of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file blk_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file 1D array holding nblks of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment 1D array holding data_area_size of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the current node of the present mp environment |
type(dbcsr_type), | intent(inout) | :: | new_matrix |
redistributed matrix |
SUBROUTINE dbcsr_datablock_redistribute(dblk, row_p, col_i, blk_p, & proc_nblks, proc_darea_sizes, new_matrix) !! Redistributes data blocks of a DBCSR matrix read from a file. !! This routine should be used with dbcsr_binary_read in the module !! dbcsr_io.F TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj), INTENT(IN) :: dblk !! data blocks of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), & POINTER :: row_p, col_i, blk_p, & proc_nblks, proc_darea_sizes !! row_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file !! col_i of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file !! blk_p of the DBCSR matrix that the current node possesses after reading the data file !! 1D array holding nblks of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been read by the !! current node of the present mp environment !! 1D array holding data_area_size of those nodes of the mp environment, that created the file, whose contents have been !! read by the current node of the present mp environment TYPE(dbcsr_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: new_matrix !! redistributed matrix CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'dbcsr_datablock_redistribute' INTEGER, PARAMETER :: metalen = 2 COMPLEX(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: c_dp COMPLEX(kind=sp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: c_sp INTEGER :: bcol, blk, blk_ps, blk_size, blks, brow, col_size, data_type, & dst_p, handle, i, ind, job_count, meta_l, & nblkrows_total, numnodes, row_size, src_p, stored_col_new, & stored_row_new INTEGER(kind=int_8) :: actual_blk, blkp, end_ind, & start_ind INTEGER(kind=int_8), ALLOCATABLE, & DIMENSION(:) :: extra_darea_size, extra_nblks INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: rd_disp, recv_meta, rm_disp, & sd_disp, sdp, send_meta, & sm_disp, smp INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: recv_count, send_count, & total_recv_count, & total_send_count INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: col_blk_size, row_blk_size LOGICAL :: sym_tr, tr REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: r_dp REAL(kind=sp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: r_sp TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj) :: data_block, recv_data, & send_data TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_obj) :: dist TYPE(dbcsr_mp_obj) :: mp_env TYPE(mp_comm_type) :: mp_group CALL timeset(routineN, handle) dist = dbcsr_distribution(new_matrix) mp_env = dbcsr_distribution_mp(dist) numnodes = dbcsr_mp_numnodes(mp_env) mp_group = dbcsr_mp_group(mp_env) data_type = dbcsr_get_data_type(new_matrix) nblkrows_total = dbcsr_nblkrows_total(new_matrix) row_blk_size => array_data(new_matrix%row_blk_size) col_blk_size => array_data(new_matrix%col_blk_size) ALLOCATE (send_count(2, 0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (recv_count(2, 0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (total_send_count(2, 0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (total_recv_count(2, 0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (sdp(0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (sd_disp(0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (smp(0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (sm_disp(0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (rd_disp(0:numnodes - 1)) ALLOCATE (rm_disp(0:numnodes - 1)) send_count(:, :) = 0 dst_p = -1 job_count = COUNT(proc_nblks .NE. 0) ALLOCATE (extra_nblks(job_count)) ALLOCATE (extra_darea_size(job_count)) IF (job_count > 0) THEN CALL cumsum_l(INT((/0, proc_nblks(1:job_count - 1)/), kind=int_8), extra_nblks) CALL cumsum_l(INT((/0, proc_darea_sizes(1:job_count - 1)/), kind=int_8), extra_darea_size) END IF i = 0 DO ind = 1, job_count*nblkrows_total brow = MOD(ind - 1, nblkrows_total) + 1 IF (brow .EQ. 1) i = i + 1 row_size = row_blk_size(brow) DO blk = row_p(ind + i - 1) + 1, row_p(ind + i) actual_blk = INT(blk, kind=int_8) + extra_nblks(i) bcol = col_i(actual_blk) col_size = col_blk_size(bcol) blk_size = row_size*col_size sym_tr = .FALSE. CALL dbcsr_get_stored_coordinates(new_matrix, brow, bcol, dst_p) send_count(1, dst_p) = send_count(1, dst_p) + 1 send_count(2, dst_p) = send_count(2, dst_p) + blk_size END DO END DO CALL mp_alltoall(send_count, recv_count, 2, mp_group) CALL dbcsr_data_init(recv_data) CALL dbcsr_data_new(recv_data, data_type, SUM(recv_count(2, :))) ALLOCATE (recv_meta(metalen*SUM(recv_count(1, :)))) CALL dbcsr_data_init(send_data) CALL dbcsr_data_new(send_data, data_type, SUM(send_count(2, :))) ALLOCATE (send_meta(metalen*SUM(send_count(1, :)))) DO dst_p = 0, numnodes - 1 total_send_count(1, dst_p) = send_count(1, dst_p) total_send_count(2, dst_p) = send_count(2, dst_p) total_recv_count(1, dst_p) = recv_count(1, dst_p) total_recv_count(2, dst_p) = recv_count(2, dst_p) END DO sd_disp = -1; sm_disp = -1; rd_disp = -1; rm_disp = -1 sd_disp(0) = 1; sm_disp(0) = 1; rd_disp(0) = 1; rm_disp(0) = 1 DO dst_p = 1, numnodes - 1 sm_disp(dst_p) = sm_disp(dst_p - 1) + metalen*total_send_count(1, dst_p - 1) sd_disp(dst_p) = sd_disp(dst_p - 1) + total_send_count(2, dst_p - 1) rm_disp(dst_p) = rm_disp(dst_p - 1) + metalen*total_recv_count(1, dst_p - 1) rd_disp(dst_p) = rd_disp(dst_p - 1) + total_recv_count(2, dst_p - 1) END DO sdp(:) = sd_disp smp(:) = sm_disp - metalen SELECT CASE (data_type) CASE (dbcsr_type_real_4) r_sp => dblk%d%r_sp CASE (dbcsr_type_real_8) r_dp => dblk%d%r_dp CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_4) c_sp => dblk%d%c_sp CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_8) c_dp => dblk%d%c_dp END SELECT CALL dbcsr_data_init(data_block) CALL dbcsr_data_new(data_block, data_type) i = 0 dst_p = -1 DO ind = 1, job_count*nblkrows_total brow = MOD(ind - 1, nblkrows_total) + 1 IF (brow .EQ. 1) i = i + 1 row_size = row_blk_size(brow) DO blk = row_p(ind + i - 1) + 1, row_p(ind + i) actual_blk = INT(blk, kind=int_8) + extra_nblks(i) bcol = col_i(actual_blk) col_size = col_blk_size(bcol) blk_size = row_size*col_size blkp = INT(blk_p(actual_blk), kind=int_8) start_ind = blkp + extra_darea_size(i) end_ind = blkp + extra_darea_size(i) + blk_size - 1 SELECT CASE (data_type) CASE (dbcsr_type_real_4) data_block%d%r_sp => r_sp(start_ind:end_ind) CASE (dbcsr_type_real_8) data_block%d%r_dp => r_dp(start_ind:end_ind) CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_4) data_block%d%c_sp => c_sp(start_ind:end_ind) CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_8) data_block%d%c_dp => c_dp(start_ind:end_ind) END SELECT sym_tr = .FALSE. CALL dbcsr_get_stored_coordinates(new_matrix, brow, bcol, dst_p) smp(dst_p) = smp(dst_p) + metalen tr = .FALSE. ! IF (tr) THEN ! send_meta(smp(dst_p)) = -brow ! ELSE send_meta(smp(dst_p)) = brow ! ENDIF send_meta(smp(dst_p) + 1) = bcol blk_size = dbcsr_data_get_size(data_block) CALL dbcsr_data_set(send_data, lb=sdp(dst_p), & data_size=blk_size, src=data_block, source_lb=1) sdp(dst_p) = sdp(dst_p) + blk_size END DO END DO CALL dbcsr_data_clear_pointer(data_block) SELECT CASE (data_type) CASE (dbcsr_type_real_4) CALL hybrid_alltoall_s1( & send_data%d%r_sp(:), total_send_count(2, :), sd_disp(:) - 1, & recv_data%d%r_sp(:), total_recv_count(2, :), rd_disp(:) - 1, & mp_env) CASE (dbcsr_type_real_8) CALL hybrid_alltoall_d1( & send_data%d%r_dp(:), total_send_count(2, :), sd_disp(:) - 1, & recv_data%d%r_dp(:), total_recv_count(2, :), rd_disp(:) - 1, & mp_env) CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_4) CALL hybrid_alltoall_c1( & send_data%d%c_sp(:), total_send_count(2, :), sd_disp(:) - 1, & recv_data%d%c_sp(:), total_recv_count(2, :), rd_disp(:) - 1, & mp_env) CASE (dbcsr_type_complex_8) CALL hybrid_alltoall_z1( & send_data%d%c_dp(:), total_send_count(2, :), sd_disp(:) - 1, & recv_data%d%c_dp(:), total_recv_count(2, :), rd_disp(:) - 1, & mp_env) END SELECT CALL hybrid_alltoall_i1(send_meta(:), metalen*total_send_count(1, :), sm_disp(:) - 1, & recv_meta(:), metalen*total_recv_count(1, :), rm_disp(:) - 1, mp_env) CALL dbcsr_work_create(new_matrix, SUM(recv_count(1, :)), & SUM(recv_count(2, :)), work_mutable=.FALSE., n=1) blk_ps = 1 blks = 0 DO src_p = 0, numnodes - 1 DO meta_l = 1, recv_count(1, src_p) brow = recv_meta(rm_disp(src_p) + metalen*(meta_l - 1)) tr = brow .LT. 0 stored_row_new = ABS(brow) stored_col_new = recv_meta(rm_disp(src_p) + metalen*(meta_l - 1) + 1) blk_size = row_blk_size(stored_row_new)*col_blk_size(stored_col_new) data_block = pointer_view(data_block, recv_data, blk_ps, blk_size) CALL dbcsr_put_block(new_matrix, stored_row_new, stored_col_new, data_block, transposed=tr) blk_ps = blk_ps + blk_size blks = blks + 1 END DO END DO CALL dbcsr_data_clear_pointer(data_block) DEALLOCATE (data_block%d) CALL dbcsr_finalize(new_matrix, reshuffle=.TRUE.) CALL dbcsr_data_release(recv_data) CALL dbcsr_data_release(send_data) DEALLOCATE (send_count) DEALLOCATE (recv_count) DEALLOCATE (sdp); DEALLOCATE (sd_disp) DEALLOCATE (smp); DEALLOCATE (sm_disp) DEALLOCATE (rd_disp) DEALLOCATE (rm_disp) DEALLOCATE (recv_meta) DEALLOCATE (send_meta) DEALLOCATE (extra_nblks); DEALLOCATE (extra_darea_size) CALL timestop(handle) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE cumsum_l(arr, cumsum) INTEGER(kind=int_8), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: arr INTEGER(kind=int_8), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: cumsum INTEGER :: i IF (SIZE(cumsum) > 0) THEN cumsum(1) = arr(1) DO i = 2, SIZE(cumsum) cumsum(i) = cumsum(i - 1) + arr(i) END DO END IF END SUBROUTINE cumsum_l END SUBROUTINE dbcsr_datablock_redistribute