dbcsr_create_image_dist Subroutine

public subroutine dbcsr_create_image_dist(imgdist, dist, match_row_pdist, match_row_idist, match_row_nbins, match_col_pdist, match_col_idist, match_col_nbins, nimages_rows, nimages_cols)

Creates an image distribution given the other compatibility images


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj), intent(out) :: imgdist

distribution repetition

type(dbcsr_distribution_obj), intent(in) :: dist

distribution for which to form the image distribution

integer, intent(in), optional, DIMENSION(:) :: match_row_pdist

match the new row distribution to this row distribution match the row distribution to these row images

integer, intent(in), optional, DIMENSION(:) :: match_row_idist

match the new row distribution to this row distribution match the row distribution to these row images

integer, intent(in) :: match_row_nbins

number of bins in the distribution to match the local rows

integer, intent(in), optional, DIMENSION(:) :: match_col_pdist

match the new column distribution to this column distribution match the new column distribution to these column images

integer, intent(in), optional, DIMENSION(:) :: match_col_idist

match the new column distribution to this column distribution match the new column distribution to these column images

integer, intent(in) :: match_col_nbins

number of bins in the distribution to match the local columns

integer, intent(in) :: nimages_rows

number of bins in the distribution to match the local columns

integer, intent(in) :: nimages_cols

number of bins in the distribution to match the local columns

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE dbcsr_create_image_dist(imgdist, dist, &
                                      match_row_pdist, match_row_idist, match_row_nbins, &
                                      match_col_pdist, match_col_idist, match_col_nbins, &
                                      nimages_rows, nimages_cols)
      !! Creates an image distribution given the other compatibility images

      TYPE(dbcsr_imagedistribution_obj), INTENT(OUT)     :: imgdist
         !! distribution repetition
      TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_obj), INTENT(IN)           :: dist
         !! distribution for which to form the image distribution
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL        :: match_row_pdist, match_row_idist
         !! match the new row distribution to this row distribution
         !! match the row distribution to these row images
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: match_row_nbins
         !! number of bins in the distribution to match the local rows
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL        :: match_col_pdist, match_col_idist
         !! match the new column distribution to this column distribution
         !! match the new column distribution to these column images
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: match_col_nbins, nimages_rows, &
         !! number of bins in the distribution to match the local columns

      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'dbcsr_create_image_dist'

      INTEGER                                            :: ncols, npcols, nprows, nrows
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS         :: col_dist_data, col_img_data, col_vdist, &
                                                            row_dist_data, row_img_data, row_vdist
      LOGICAL                                            :: new_col_dist, new_row_dist
      TYPE(dbcsr_distribution_obj)                       :: new_dist
      TYPE(dbcsr_mp_obj)                                 :: mp_env

!   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      idid = idid + 1
      ALLOCATE (imgdist%i)
      imgdist%i%refcount = 1
      imgdist%i%id = idid
      mp_env = dbcsr_distribution_mp(dist)
      ! Determine the factors.
      nrows = dbcsr_distribution_nrows(dist)
      ncols = dbcsr_distribution_ncols(dist)
      nprows = dbcsr_mp_nprows(mp_env)
      npcols = dbcsr_mp_npcols(mp_env)
      IF (debug_mod) WRITE (*, '(1X,A,I5,"x",I5)') routineN//"pgrid", &
         nprows, npcols
      ! Create the new row distribution and row image distribution
      imgdist%i%row_decimation = nimages_rows/nprows
      imgdist%i%row_multiplicity = nimages_rows/gcd(nimages_rows, match_row_nbins)
      new_row_dist = .FALSE.
      IF (debug_mod) WRITE (*, *) routineN//'row decimation, multiplicity', &
         imgdist%i%row_decimation, imgdist%i%row_multiplicity
      IF (debug_mod) WRITE (*, *) routineN//" nprows, match prows", nprows, match_row_nbins
      ALLOCATE (row_img_data(nrows))
      ALLOCATE (row_vdist(nrows))
      IF (imgdist%i%row_decimation .EQ. 1 .AND. imgdist%i%row_multiplicity .EQ. 1 .AND. &
          .NOT. PRESENT(match_row_pdist)) THEN
         row_dist_data => dbcsr_distribution_row_dist(dist)
         row_img_data(:) = 1
         IF (PRESENT(match_row_pdist)) THEN
            ALLOCATE (row_dist_data(nrows))
            new_row_dist = .TRUE.
            IF (PRESENT(match_row_idist)) THEN
               CALL rebin_imaged_distribution(row_dist_data, row_img_data, &
                                              match_row_pdist, match_row_idist, &
                                              nprows, &
                                              imgdist%i%row_multiplicity, imgdist%i%row_decimation)
               CALL rebin_distribution(row_dist_data, row_img_data, &
                                       match_row_pdist, &
                                       nprows, &
                                       imgdist%i%row_multiplicity, imgdist%i%row_decimation)
            END IF
            row_dist_data => dbcsr_distribution_row_dist(dist)
            CALL reimage_distribution(row_img_data, &
                                      row_dist_data, nprows, imgdist%i%row_decimation)
         END IF
      END IF
      CALL make_vdistribution(nrows, row_vdist, row_dist_data, &
                              imgdist%i%row_decimation, row_img_data)
      CALL array_new(imgdist%i%vrow_dist, row_vdist, gift=.TRUE.)
      ! Create the new column distribution and column image distribution
      imgdist%i%col_decimation = nimages_cols/npcols
      imgdist%i%col_multiplicity = nimages_cols/gcd(nimages_cols, match_col_nbins)
      new_col_dist = .FALSE.
      IF (debug_mod) WRITE (*, *) routineN//'col decimation, multiplicity', &
         imgdist%i%col_decimation, imgdist%i%col_multiplicity
      IF (debug_mod) WRITE (*, *) routineN//" npcols, match pcols", npcols, match_col_nbins
      ALLOCATE (col_img_data(ncols))
      ALLOCATE (col_vdist(ncols))
      IF (imgdist%i%col_decimation .EQ. 1 .AND. imgdist%i%col_multiplicity .EQ. 1 .AND. &
          .NOT. PRESENT(match_col_pdist)) THEN
         col_dist_data => dbcsr_distribution_col_dist(dist)
         col_img_data(:) = 1
         IF (PRESENT(match_col_pdist)) THEN
            ALLOCATE (col_dist_data(ncols))
            new_col_dist = .TRUE.
            IF (PRESENT(match_col_idist)) THEN
               CALL rebin_imaged_distribution(col_dist_data, col_img_data, &
                                              match_col_pdist, match_col_idist, &
                                              npcols, &
                                              imgdist%i%col_multiplicity, imgdist%i%col_decimation)
               CALL rebin_distribution(col_dist_data, col_img_data, &
                                       match_col_pdist, &
                                       npcols, &
                                       imgdist%i%col_multiplicity, imgdist%i%col_decimation)
            END IF
            col_dist_data => dbcsr_distribution_col_dist(dist)
            CALL reimage_distribution(col_img_data, &
                                      col_dist_data, &
                                      npcols, imgdist%i%col_decimation)
         END IF
      END IF
      CALL make_vdistribution(ncols, col_vdist, col_dist_data, &
                              imgdist%i%col_decimation, col_img_data)
      CALL array_new(imgdist%i%vcol_dist, col_vdist, gift=.TRUE.)
      ! Copy the row & column distribution from old distribution
      IF (new_row_dist .AND. new_col_dist) THEN
         CALL dbcsr_distribution_new(new_dist, &
                                     mp_env, &
                                     row_dist_data, col_dist_data, &
         CALL dbcsr_distribution_new(new_dist, &
                                     mp_env, &
                                     row_dist_data, col_dist_data)
         IF (new_row_dist) DEALLOCATE (row_dist_data)
         IF (new_col_dist) DEALLOCATE (col_dist_data)
      END IF
      ! Now finish the distribution image.
      imgdist%i%main = new_dist
      CALL array_new(imgdist%i%col_image, col_img_data, gift=.TRUE.)
      CALL array_new(imgdist%i%row_image, row_img_data, gift=.TRUE.)
      imgdist%i%has_other_vl_rows = .FALSE.
      imgdist%i%has_other_vl_cols = .FALSE.
      imgdist%i%has_global_vrow_map = .FALSE.
      imgdist%i%has_global_vcol_map = .FALSE.
!$    IF (dbcsr_distribution_has_threads(dist)) THEN
!$       imgdist%i%main%d%num_threads = dist%d%num_threads
!$       imgdist%i%main%d%has_thread_dist = .TRUE.
!$       imgdist%i%main%d%thread_dist = dist%d%thread_dist
!$       CALL array_hold(imgdist%i%main%d%thread_dist)
!$    END IF
   END SUBROUTINE dbcsr_create_image_dist