acc_transpose_blocks Subroutine

public subroutine acc_transpose_blocks(matrix, trs_stackbuf, row_blk_sizes, col_blk_sizes, row_blk_sizes2enum, enum2row_blk_sizes, col_blk_sizes2enum, enum2col_blk_sizes, noresize)

write out a stack for transposing the blocks


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dbcsr_type), intent(in) :: matrix
type(dbcsr_data_obj), intent(inout) :: trs_stackbuf
integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: row_blk_sizes
integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: col_blk_sizes
integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: row_blk_sizes2enum
integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: enum2row_blk_sizes
integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: col_blk_sizes2enum
integer, intent(in), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: enum2col_blk_sizes
logical, intent(in), optional :: noresize

Source Code

   SUBROUTINE acc_transpose_blocks(matrix, trs_stackbuf, &
      !! write out a stack for transposing the blocks
                                   row_blk_sizes, col_blk_sizes, &
                                   row_blk_sizes2enum, enum2row_blk_sizes, &
                                   col_blk_sizes2enum, enum2col_blk_sizes, &
      TYPE(dbcsr_type), INTENT(IN)                       :: matrix
      TYPE(dbcsr_data_obj), INTENT(INOUT)                :: trs_stackbuf
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: row_blk_sizes, col_blk_sizes, &
                                                                row_blk_sizes2enum, enum2row_blk_sizes, &
                                                                col_blk_sizes2enum, enum2col_blk_sizes
      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: noresize

      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'acc_transpose_blocks'

      INTEGER                                            :: blk_p, handle, handle1, i, m, mi, &
                                                            mi_max, n, nblks, ni, ni_max, offset, x, &
                                                            row, col
      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: counters, filled, offsets, tmp_stack
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: blk_index
      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS         :: trs_stack
      LOGICAL                                            :: my_noresize

      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)

      NULLIFY (trs_stack)

      IF (.NOT. matrix%list_indexing) &
         DBCSR_ABORT("build_trs_stack: only list_indexing supported.")
      IF (.NOT. matrix%local_indexing) &
         DBCSR_ABORT("build_trs_stack: only local_indexing supported.")
      IF (trs_stackbuf%d%data_type /= dbcsr_type_int_4) &
         DBCSR_ABORT("build_trs_stack: stac_buf has wrong datatype")
      blk_index => matrix%coo_l
      nblks = matrix%nblks

      ! make sure buffer from previous cannon-tick was uploaded
      CALL timeset(routineN//"_sync", handle1)
      CALL acc_event_synchronize(trs_stackbuf%d%acc_ready)
      CALL timestop(handle1)

      CALL timeset(routineN//"_ensure", handle1)
      my_noresize = .FALSE.
      IF (PRESENT(noresize)) my_noresize = noresize
      IF (my_noresize) THEN
         IF (dbcsr_data_get_size(trs_stackbuf) .LT. nblks) &
            DBCSR_ABORT("build_trs_stack: trs_stackbuf undersized")
         CALL dbcsr_data_ensure_size(trs_stackbuf, data_size=nblks, nocopy=.TRUE.)
      END IF
      CALL dbcsr_data_set_size_referenced(trs_stackbuf, nblks)
      trs_stack => trs_stackbuf%d%i4
      CALL timestop(handle1)

      mi_max = SIZE(enum2row_blk_sizes); ni_max = SIZE(enum2col_blk_sizes)
      ALLOCATE (counters(mi_max, ni_max), offsets(mi_max, ni_max))
      counters(:, :) = 0; offsets(:, :) = 0

      CALL timeset(routineN//"_comp", handle1)

      ! Simplified algorithm for single size blocks
      IF (mi_max .EQ. 1 .AND. ni_max .EQ. 1) THEN
         DO i = 1, nblks
            blk_p = blk_index(3*(i - 1) + 3)
            IF (blk_p == 0) CYCLE
            counters(1, 1) = counters(1, 1) + 1
            trs_stack(counters(1, 1)) = blk_p - 1
         END DO
         ALLOCATE (tmp_stack(3, nblks))
         ! collect block addresses and dimensions in a temporary stack
         ! while doing so, also count number of blocks per block-dimensions
         DO i = 1, nblks
            row = blk_index(3*(i - 1) + 1)
            col = blk_index(3*(i - 1) + 2)
            blk_p = blk_index(3*(i - 1) + 3)
            IF (blk_p == 0) CYCLE
            m = row_blk_sizes(row)
            n = col_blk_sizes(col)
            mi = row_blk_sizes2enum(m)
            ni = col_blk_sizes2enum(n)
            tmp_stack(1, i) = mi
            tmp_stack(2, i) = ni
            tmp_stack(3, i) = blk_p - 1
            counters(mi, ni) = counters(mi, ni) + 1
         END DO
         ! calculate offsets for first element of each sub-stack
         offset = 0
         DO mi = 1, mi_max
            DO ni = 1, ni_max
               offsets(mi, ni) = offset
               offset = offset + counters(mi, ni)
            END DO
         END DO
         ! write all sub-stacks into the host-pinned buffer
         ALLOCATE (filled(mi_max, ni_max))
         filled(:, :) = 0
         DO i = 1, nblks
            mi = tmp_stack(1, i)
            ni = tmp_stack(2, i)
            blk_p = tmp_stack(3, i)
            x = offsets(mi, ni) + filled(mi, ni) + 1
            trs_stack(x) = blk_p
            filled(mi, ni) = filled(mi, ni) + 1
         END DO
         !sanity check
         DO ni = 1, ni_max
            DO mi = 1, mi_max
               IF (filled(mi, ni) /= counters(mi, ni)) &
                  DBCSR_ABORT("acc_transpose_blocks: bug")
            END DO
         END DO
      END IF
      CALL timestop(handle1)

      CALL timeset(routineN//"_sync", handle1)
      !transfer all stacks
      CALL dbcsr_data_host2dev(trs_stackbuf)
      ! make sure block-buffer is uploaded before running the kernels
      CALL acc_stream_wait_event(trs_stackbuf%d%memory_type%acc_stream, matrix%data_area%d%acc_ready)
      CALL timestop(handle1)

      CALL timeset(routineN//"_kernels", handle1)
      ! launch kernels
      DO ni = 1, ni_max
         DO mi = 1, mi_max
            IF (counters(mi, ni) > 0) THEN
               m = enum2row_blk_sizes(mi)
               n = enum2col_blk_sizes(ni)
               CALL dbcsr_acc_transpose( &
                  trs_stack=trs_stackbuf%d%acc_devmem, &
                  offset=offsets(mi, ni), &
                  nblks=counters(mi, ni), &
                  data_type=matrix%data_type, &
                  buffer=matrix%data_area%d%acc_devmem, &
                  m=m, n=n, &
            END IF
         END DO
      END DO
      CALL timestop(handle1)

      CALL timeset(routineN//"_sync", handle1)
      ! make sure block-buffer are not used until transpose kernels finished
      CALL acc_event_record(trs_stackbuf%d%acc_ready, trs_stackbuf%d%memory_type%acc_stream)
      CALL acc_stream_wait_event(matrix%data_area%d%memory_type%acc_stream, trs_stackbuf%d%acc_ready)
      CALL acc_event_record(matrix%data_area%d%acc_ready, matrix%data_area%d%memory_type%acc_stream)
      CALL timestop(handle1)

      CALL timestop(handle)
   END SUBROUTINE acc_transpose_blocks