Ensures that given devmem has at least the requested size.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(acc_devmem_type), | intent(inout) | :: | this |
device memory |
type(acc_stream_type), | intent(in) | :: | stream |
on which zeroing and memcopying is performed |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | requested_size_in_bytes |
requested size in bytes |
logical, | intent(in), | optional | :: | nocopy |
if after growin old content should NOT be copied over. Default: false. if after growing the new memory should be zeroed. Default: false. |
logical, | intent(in), | optional | :: | zero_pad |
if after growin old content should NOT be copied over. Default: false. if after growing the new memory should be zeroed. Default: false. |
SUBROUTINE acc_devmem_ensure_size_bytes(this, stream, requested_size_in_bytes, nocopy, zero_pad) !! Ensures that given devmem has at least the requested size. TYPE(acc_devmem_type), & INTENT(INOUT) :: this !! device memory TYPE(acc_stream_type), INTENT(IN) :: stream !! on which zeroing and memcopying is performed INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: requested_size_in_bytes !! requested size in bytes LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: nocopy, zero_pad !! if after growin old content should NOT be copied over. Default: false. !! if after growing the new memory should be zeroed. Default: false. #if ! defined (__DBCSR_ACC) MARK_USED(this) MARK_USED(stream) MARK_USED(requested_size_in_bytes) MARK_USED(nocopy) MARK_USED(zero_pad) DBCSR_ABORT("__DBCSR_ACC not compiled in.") #else LOGICAL :: my_nocopy, my_zero_pad TYPE(C_PTR) :: old_cptr, new_cptr, stream_cptr INTEGER :: new_size, old_size, istat IF (this%size_in_bytes < 0) & DBCSR_ABORT("acc_devmem_ensure_size_bytes: not allocated") IF (.NOT. acc_stream_associated(stream)) & DBCSR_ABORT("acc_devmem_ensure_size_bytes: stream not associated") IF (this%size_in_bytes < requested_size_in_bytes) THEN !WRITE (*,*) "acc_devmem_ensure_size_bytes: growing dev_mem to: ", data_size CALL dbcsr_acc_set_active_device(get_accdrv_active_device_id()) new_size = requested_size_in_bytes old_size = this%size_in_bytes old_cptr = this%cptr new_cptr = C_NULL_PTR istat = acc_interface_dev_mem_alloc(new_cptr, INT(new_size, KIND=C_SIZE_T)) IF (istat /= 0) & DBCSR_ABORT("acc_devmem_ensure_size_bytes: alloc failed") this%cptr = new_cptr this%size_in_bytes = requested_size_in_bytes my_zero_pad = .FALSE. IF (PRESENT(zero_pad)) my_zero_pad = zero_pad IF (my_zero_pad) & CALL acc_devmem_setzero_bytes(this, first_byte=old_size + 1, stream=stream) my_nocopy = .FALSE. IF (PRESENT(nocopy)) my_nocopy = nocopy IF (.NOT. my_nocopy) THEN stream_cptr = acc_stream_cptr(stream) istat = acc_interface_memcpy_d2d(old_cptr, new_cptr, INT(old_size, KIND=C_SIZE_T), stream_cptr) IF (istat /= 0) & DBCSR_ABORT("acc_devmem_ensure_size_bytes: memcpy failed") END IF CALL acc_stream_synchronize(stream) istat = acc_interface_dev_mem_dealloc(old_cptr) IF (istat /= 0) & DBCSR_ABORT("acc_devmem_ensure_size_bytes: dealloc failed") END IF #endif END SUBROUTINE acc_devmem_ensure_size_bytes