dbcsr_dict Module

A dictionary (also known as hashtable or hashmap). Internally the dictionary uses an array to holds its data. If this array reaches a load-factor of 75%, a new array with twice the size will be allocated and the items are then copied over. This ensures that the dictionary will perform operations in O(1).


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=*), private, parameter :: moduleN = 'dbcsr_dict'


public interface dict_init

  • private subroutine dict_str_i4_init(dict, initial_capacity)

    Allocates the internal data-structures of the given dictionary.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
    integer, intent(in), optional :: initial_capacity

    The initial size of the internal array (default=11).

  • private subroutine dict_i4tuple_callstat_init(dict, initial_capacity)

    Allocates the internal data-structures of the given dictionary.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
    integer, intent(in), optional :: initial_capacity

    The initial size of the internal array (default=11).

public interface dict_haskey

  • private function dict_str_i4_haskey(dict, key) result(res)

    Checks whether a given key is currently stored in the dictionary.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
    character(len=default_string_length) :: key

    Return Value logical

  • private function dict_i4tuple_callstat_haskey(dict, key) result(res)

    Checks whether a given key is currently stored in the dictionary.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
    integer(kind=int_4), dimension(2) :: key

    Return Value logical

public interface dict_set

  • private subroutine dict_str_i4_set(dict, key, value)

    Stores, and possibly overwrites, a given value under a given key.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
    character(len=default_string_length), intent(in) :: key
    integer(kind=int_4), intent(in) :: value
  • private subroutine dict_i4tuple_callstat_set(dict, key, value)

    Stores, and possibly overwrites, a given value under a given key.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
    integer(kind=int_4), intent(in), dimension(2) :: key
    type(call_stat_type), intent(in), POINTER :: value

public interface dict_get

  • private function dict_str_i4_get(dict, key, default_value) result(value)

    Gets a value for a given key from the dictionary. If the key is not found the default_value will be returned. If the key is not found and default_value was not provided the program stops.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
    character(len=default_string_length) :: key
    integer(kind=int_4), intent(in), optional :: default_value

    Return Value integer(kind=int_4)

  • private function dict_i4tuple_callstat_get(dict, key, default_value) result(value)

    Gets a value for a given key from the dictionary. If the key is not found the default_value will be returned. If the key is not found and default_value was not provided the program stops.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
    integer(kind=int_4), dimension(2) :: key
    type(call_stat_type), intent(in), optional, POINTER :: default_value

    Return Value type(call_stat_type), POINTER

public interface dict_items

  • private function dict_str_i4_items(dict) result(items)

    Returns a pointer to an array of all key/value-items stored in the dictionary. Caution: The caller is responsible for deallocating targeted array after usage.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict

    Return Value type(dict_str_i4_item_type), dimension(:), POINTER

  • private function dict_i4tuple_callstat_items(dict) result(items)

    Returns a pointer to an array of all key/value-items stored in the dictionary. Caution: The caller is responsible for deallocating targeted array after usage.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict

    Return Value type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_item_type), dimension(:), POINTER

public interface dict_size

  • private function dict_str_i4_size(dict) result(size)

    Returns the number of key/value-items currently stored in the dictionary.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict

    Return Value integer

  • private function dict_i4tuple_callstat_size(dict) result(size)

    Returns the number of key/value-items currently stored in the dictionary.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict

    Return Value integer

public interface dict_destroy

  • private subroutine dict_str_i4_destroy(dict)

    Deallocated the internal data-structures if the given dictionary. Caution: If the stored keys or values are pointers, their targets will not get deallocated by this routine.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
  • private subroutine dict_i4tuple_callstat_destroy(dict)

    Deallocated the internal data-structures if the given dictionary. Caution: If the stored keys or values are pointers, their targets will not get deallocated by this routine.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict

Derived Types

type, private ::  private_item_type_str_i4


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=default_string_length), private :: key = ""
integer(kind=int_4), private :: value = -1_int_4
integer(kind=int_8), private :: hash = -1_int_8
type(private_item_type_str_i4), private, POINTER :: next => Null()

type, private ::  private_item_p_type_str_i4


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(private_item_type_str_i4), private, POINTER :: p => Null()

type, public ::  dict_str_i4_type


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(private_item_p_type_str_i4), private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: buckets => Null()
integer, private :: size = -1

type, public ::  dict_str_i4_item_type


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=default_string_length), public :: key = ""
integer(kind=int_4), public :: value = -1_int_4


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer(kind=int_4), private, dimension(2) :: key = -1_int_4
type(call_stat_type), private, POINTER :: value => NULL()
integer(kind=int_8), private :: hash = -1_int_8
type(private_item_type_i4tuple_callstat), private, POINTER :: next => Null()


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(private_item_type_i4tuple_callstat), private, POINTER :: p => Null()

type, public ::  dict_i4tuple_callstat_type


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(private_item_p_type_i4tuple_callstat), private, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: buckets => Null()
integer, private :: size = -1

type, public ::  dict_i4tuple_callstat_item_type


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer(kind=int_4), public, dimension(2) :: key = -1_int_4
type(call_stat_type), public, POINTER :: value => NULL()


private function hash_str(key) result(hash)

This is joaat_hash from string_table.F, generates the hash of a given string

Read more…


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: key

key a string of any length

Return Value integer(kind=int_8)

private function hash_i4tuple(key) result(hash)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=int_4), intent(in), dimension(2) :: key

Return Value integer(kind=int_4)

private function dict_str_i4_get(dict, key, default_value) result(value)

Gets a value for a given key from the dictionary. If the key is not found the default_value will be returned. If the key is not found and default_value was not provided the program stops.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
character(len=default_string_length) :: key
integer(kind=int_4), intent(in), optional :: default_value

Return Value integer(kind=int_4)

private function dict_str_i4_size(dict) result(size)

Returns the number of key/value-items currently stored in the dictionary.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict

Return Value integer

private function dict_str_i4_haskey(dict, key) result(res)

Checks whether a given key is currently stored in the dictionary.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
character(len=default_string_length) :: key

Return Value logical

private function dict_str_i4_items(dict) result(items)

Returns a pointer to an array of all key/value-items stored in the dictionary. Caution: The caller is responsible for deallocating targeted array after usage.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict

Return Value type(dict_str_i4_item_type), dimension(:), POINTER

private function dict_i4tuple_callstat_get(dict, key, default_value) result(value)

Gets a value for a given key from the dictionary. If the key is not found the default_value will be returned. If the key is not found and default_value was not provided the program stops.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
integer(kind=int_4), dimension(2) :: key
type(call_stat_type), intent(in), optional, POINTER :: default_value

Return Value type(call_stat_type), POINTER

private function dict_i4tuple_callstat_size(dict) result(size)

Returns the number of key/value-items currently stored in the dictionary.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict

Return Value integer

private function dict_i4tuple_callstat_haskey(dict, key) result(res)

Checks whether a given key is currently stored in the dictionary.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
integer(kind=int_4), dimension(2) :: key

Return Value logical

private function dict_i4tuple_callstat_items(dict) result(items)

Returns a pointer to an array of all key/value-items stored in the dictionary. Caution: The caller is responsible for deallocating targeted array after usage.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict

Return Value type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_item_type), dimension(:), POINTER


private subroutine dict_str_i4_init(dict, initial_capacity)

Allocates the internal data-structures of the given dictionary.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
integer, intent(in), optional :: initial_capacity

The initial size of the internal array (default=11).

private subroutine dict_str_i4_destroy(dict)

Deallocated the internal data-structures if the given dictionary. Caution: If the stored keys or values are pointers, their targets will not get deallocated by this routine.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict

private subroutine dict_str_i4_set(dict, key, value)

Stores, and possibly overwrites, a given value under a given key.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
character(len=default_string_length), intent(in) :: key
integer(kind=int_4), intent(in) :: value

private recursive subroutine set_hashed_str_i4(dict, key, value, hash)

Common code used internally by dict_set() and change_capacity().


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
character(len=default_string_length), intent(in) :: key
integer(kind=int_4), intent(in) :: value
integer(kind=int_8), intent(in) :: hash

private recursive subroutine change_capacity_str_i4(dict, new_capacity)

Internal routine for changing the dictionary's capacity.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_str_i4_type), intent(inout) :: dict
integer, intent(in) :: new_capacity

private subroutine dict_i4tuple_callstat_init(dict, initial_capacity)

Allocates the internal data-structures of the given dictionary.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
integer, intent(in), optional :: initial_capacity

The initial size of the internal array (default=11).

private subroutine dict_i4tuple_callstat_destroy(dict)

Deallocated the internal data-structures if the given dictionary. Caution: If the stored keys or values are pointers, their targets will not get deallocated by this routine.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict

private subroutine dict_i4tuple_callstat_set(dict, key, value)

Stores, and possibly overwrites, a given value under a given key.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
integer(kind=int_4), intent(in), dimension(2) :: key
type(call_stat_type), intent(in), POINTER :: value

private recursive subroutine set_hashed_i4tuple_callstat(dict, key, value, hash)

Common code used internally by dict_set() and change_capacity().


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
integer(kind=int_4), intent(in), dimension(2) :: key
type(call_stat_type), intent(in), POINTER :: value
integer(kind=int_8), intent(in) :: hash

private recursive subroutine change_capacity_i4tuple_callstat(dict, new_capacity)

Internal routine for changing the dictionary's capacity.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dict_i4tuple_callstat_type), intent(inout) :: dict
integer, intent(in) :: new_capacity