new_dbcsr_tas_dist_t Function

private function new_dbcsr_tas_dist_t(nd_dist, map_blks, map_grid, which_dim)

Create distribution object for one matrix dimension \return distribution object


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(array_list), intent(in) :: nd_dist

arrays for distribution vectors along all dimensions

type(nd_to_2d_mapping), intent(in) :: map_blks

tensor to matrix mapping object for blocks tensor to matrix mapping object for process grid

type(nd_to_2d_mapping), intent(in) :: map_grid

tensor to matrix mapping object for blocks tensor to matrix mapping object for process grid

integer, intent(in) :: which_dim

for which dimension (1 or 2) distribution should be created

Return Value type(dbcsr_tas_dist_t)